
Saturday, December 5, 2009

"Love by the Moon"...Day 1

My nephew Andy is a force of nature. How many stories I could tell you about him! From his childhood he was a complete heller who broke more stuff and went to the E.R. the most of any of the kids...he pushed my buttons like a Master, causing me to scream dire threats at him, which he thought was funny (he did say, "Aunt Allie is the worst cousin ever.") He almost died as a young teen from an allergic reaction to a vaccine that resulted in his having to endure a bone marrow transplant. Yes, we almost lost him...
He blew off high school but managed to graduate anyway due to a clerical error in his favor.
Andy... So much untamed energy.
But so much heart.
Sometime along the way he made up his mind to become a fireman. So he channeled that incredible will of his and:
--went to his local Community College, got his EMT, and then went through the Fire Academy
--drove ambulance in South Central LA to pay for school and gain experience. He told his mom once, "Yeah, it was a brains in the hands week-end...."
--graduated from a Paramedic program last spring gaining the top class honor of "Best in the Field" (meaning, if you have a heart attack, you want Andy as your first responder).
--Laughed at the impossible job market and got hired by his local fire department, straight out of school.
His first day on the job he saved a baby's life. That's Andy.

This picture was taken the day he graduated from Paramedic school. He's 22.

So he called me yesterday.
He's in love.
He is commissioning me to make the Christmas present he wants to give to his new girlfriend. "I want to score major points with this one," he told me.
She has a saying she loves, "Live by the sun, Love by the moon"...and I guess they've enjoyed some special moonlit nights on the beach. So that's what my commission piece is about: the beach at night, with those words on it.
"I trust you, Aunt Allie, do whatever you want...."

Luckily for both of us, I have a window of free time over the next week, so today is Day 1 on "Love by the Moon".

This is where I am at the very beginning.
I'll be posting my progress at the end of each day, so stop by if you like....

Next week-end I will be delivering it to Andy in person in San Diego. Maybe I won't be the worst cousin ever anymore!


  1. Well, isn't he lucky to have someone as talented as you to create his "special something"? And I can't wait to see what you come up with, Allie. BTW, as a mom with a son, I've been amazed that most little boys survive to adulthood. Your story affirms my belief!

  2. What a great story - can't wait to see how it turns out. :)

  3. What a fortunate young lady to have him and his talented cousin. Your landscapes are to die for.

  4. What a sweet story - you're just the right person so make something personal. He's a great young man - everyone has talents that can be used to help others.

  5. Squeeeeeaaal! Andy's got a girl!
    When we were children, I never worried about him (he had an air of peace to him amidst the chaotic action)....but I was always really really thankful that I wasn't an adult given the task of looking out for him. "worst cousin" HA!

  6. That's a great story Allie. And his trust in you is well-founded!

  7. Well, first of all, he's a total cutie pie and second, I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  8. I loved reading your story about Andy. My son is a paramedic. His greatest joy was delivering a baby, but he just had a "brains in hand" night this week, and it had to be tough on him. We need these guys so much. I wish you and your nephew and his sweetheart the best. Karmen

  9. Allie, who's son is this...Mary's? What a beautiful story and I can't believe you're going to create this gift in just a week!! Wow...

  10. Love her saying and can't wait to see what you do with it! You will do something wonderful!

  11. Oh boy! I can just see you "sinking your teeth" into this one! What a wonderful nephew to give you the motivation and a wonderful theme to exercise your creative muscle on. Artistry and blogging at its finest - what a great week it will be! Hugs, Cathy

  12. What a nice story! I'm already eager to see what you'll produce.

  13. Oh my! Love the story, love Andy and what completely inspirational material with which to create!!!

    I'm over the moon just thinking about all the fun we're going to have over the next week watching this one develop.

    Andy is one SMART SMART young man ~

    xoxo SUsan

  14. What a wonderful story. I can't wait to see the artistic interpretation you will bring to it.

  15. A wonderful story and a fine and entertaining young man, making good use of his life! There will be lots of heart in this project, for sure.

  16. What a great profile of your nephew. He's a very special young man, and I'm sure you're going to produce a very special quilt for him.

  17. Really looking forward to watching your progress on this - what a great story!


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