
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Vintage CQ...Flower #16

Ah, the waning days of summer.....

Everything is grown out and even a little past its prime already in the garden, but oh my has it been a great year. This was taken from my little card table under the dogwood tree this morning...

The inspiration for Flower #16 came directly from a blog post made by the great French embroiderer/embellisher, Sophie Gelfi.
She had a long and comprehensive article about crazy quilting published in the French magazine, "Magic Patch". Graciously, she scanned the entire article and posted it for the benefit of all of us around the world who practice CQ. Find it here.
It's very, very good!

One of the motifs she pictured just struck my fancy, so I more or less replicated it for my Flower #16.

Simple, but nice!

My time is not quite my own these days, so I won't be blogging more than once a week. Look for me on Thursdays, ok?

Happy Stitching, everyone.... ;-)


  1. Very pretty, Allie. The article made me wish I could read French! The photos are excellent though. My little purse is partially embellishe and flew off to CO to visit Janet's needle.....

  2. Yep, wish I could read french, too. The blue CQ flowers are pretty, like an agapanthus.

  3. I think this flower block is one of my favorites. The colors go so well together and the dainty flowers just pop. Nice job.

  4. It's beautiful :) I found that article last week and blogged about it too, isn't it incredible?? I love that tablecloth she features.

  5. This block's flowers are really fresh and informal. I love that shade of blue.

    Thanks for posting the link to Sophie's blog. What inspiring photos.

  6. Making a crazy quilt is on my one day list that's why I love your blog, thanks so much for posting yet another beautiful block.

  7. I just love those little blue flowers and thanks for the link to the Magic Patch article... I printed it all off just in case it disappears before I really get to study it...
    Gerry K.

  8. Your flowers are wonderful, both in the garden, and on the crazy quilt blocks. If only I could figure out how to have the Pacific Northwest lushness in my semi-desert (and hail prone) climate.

  9. I am very eager to see the grouping of blocks to date?? And how many total flowers will you be doing? Glad to read your post and see your Great Abundance in your garden. Hard work pays off. xo Susan

  10. The view from your little card table is beautiful! And I love your latest floral embroidery motif.

    Thanks for the CQ link.

  11. Your garden still looks fabulous to me!

    Thanks for the link to the french artist--wonderful work she has published.

  12. Very pretty. I totally understand about the time thing, so I'll see you Thursday. xoxo

  13. So fun watching each block take shape as you work on it. Love your interpretation of these flowers! Loved looking at the inspriation in the French article! Thanks for sharing it! Your garden is looking gorgeous!

  14. My goodness, Allie! Of course, your CQ Flowers are amazing and I love seeing each new one, but your real life garden! WOW. I don't know how you do it, but if you ever, ever, ever decide to give away one of your green thumbs... let me know! Unbelievably beautiful!


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