
Monday, June 15, 2009

Vintage CQ...Wheel Blocks Finished

Wouldn't you know it took about getting half the blocks done before I figured out the ideal pinning placement?

This made the sewing quite easy.

Which is not to say that these blocks are especially accurate. My goal is to line up all the corners that make up the centers of the wheels, and "let the chips fall" where the black points all connect.

There will no doubt be some nice decorative buttons sewn over where each of the black points meet. ;-)

These are all trimmed and the edges zig zag stitched, and pinned to the design wall.
The black won't dominate so much once each diamond gets its floral motif sewn into its center, and the rest of the colorful blocks surround this center section.

I'll be leaving soon on a family visit, and don't expect to be back for a week or so....I won't be posting between now and then.
But I should get some of these seams in the wheels embellished!
Happy stitching, everybody.....

See you later.....


  1. This is really interesting to look at, my eyes keep moving to all the colors and pieces and shapes.

  2. What a great project, the original piece is a real inspiration. I love the circles, and also the zig zag border.

    Enjoy your trip. Stitching in the hammock sounds good.

  3. Personally, I would worry about you if you obsessed about the black points meeting up...

    This is crazy quilting after all, not quilting for crazies...

    Leave the black-point matching to the sane offense anyone...I love you all...

  4. It's amazing what those black things do for it - making "wheels." We'll miss you, but hope you have a wonderful time with family - and that everything is fine.

  5. you know, we see so little black sometimes. i really do enjoy this.

  6. That's a great pattern Allie. I'm doing something similar (insomuch as I plan on appliqueing block pieces onto my next quilt) and I'm going to cut the back out from under the blocks I'm appliqueing on. That way I'll have some oddly not-centered log cabin squares to play with. Random, but I thought I'd share :-)

  7. Absolutely fascinating how you came up with wheels out of those squares! Those fabrics are so rich looking. I'll be intently watching to see how you put this all together. I love the idea of doing your adaptation of an antique quilt.
    Why?!!! only on your blog? Sometimes I have fits with Blogspot, and even Ringsurf..
    Granny Fran

  8. This looks great. You work even faster than I do! Excellent.

  9. It is looking great and really shaping up. I love to watch as each part of a quilt develops.


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