
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Butterfly Motifs

One of my friends wrote this morning and asked me if, now that I've experienced teaching, I would like to do more of it.
The answer is yes! So if any of you out there are interested, drop me a private email and we'll talk....and thanks.

I really haven't been doing much stitching over the last month so it felt good to have a little fun over the last 2 days creating some butterfly motifs. I used two different techniques.

The first one used waste canvas, with a design by Pamela Kellogg.

The second one was beaded onto cotton fabric, with an archival interleave paper basted to the back to act as a stabilizer. Robin Atkins teaches this method, and you can find the paper on her website here.

The design is by Sande Abel. I just eyeballed my butterfly according to the photo, which was torn from an old beading magazine and sent to me by my cousin Tracy. If you might (understandably) want to work more accurately, you can download a real pattern for a small fee here.

Once I had all my beads on, I prepared it for applique...

...cutting off the excess fabric....

...carefully trimming the paper on the back without inadvertently snipping any threads...

...stitching the excess fabric to the back.....

...and appliqueing it in place.
Look where it landed!

The waste canvas butterfly landed on the Spring CQ too.

This quilt has been resting over the winter. All along I've planned on adding a little more detail and complexity to it. Now seems to be just the right time.

Especially as there is so much inspiration right outside my front door!


  1. OOoo I'm so jealous of that tree. I love how the cross stitch butterfly looks with beads around it. I've always thought cross stitch can look a little plain compared to other types of embroidery, but the beads really brings it out.

  2. What a gorgeous flowering tree! Wonderful inspiration! Love the beaded and cross stitched butterflies and can't wait for a larger look at the spring block!

  3. The beaded butterfly is gorgeous - I'm afraid I'm all fingers and have a hard time with beads. I'm afraid I'll have to stick to waste canvas. :)

  4. That tree is something else!!! What a beautiful splendid display it has put on for you! Did you lie underneath of it and look at the sky? Could you even see the sky or was it just a mass of pink? I wonder what the carpet of pink looks like when the petals finally fall...
    so so beautiful.

    Your butterflies look quite at home on the Spring CQ -- I wouldn't mind living there either...

  5. Cool! They're so pretty!

    I've made similar appliques with hooped poly organza. Once the stitching was done, I put white glue around the perimeter of the stitching and trimmed away the excess fabric once the glue was dried.

  6. Very nice, and a great step-by-step on the butterfly. Glad you enjoyed teaching. I hope you get many more opportunities.

  7. How beautiful your butterflies are! I'm glad you returned from your trip invigorated about your own work. That's one of the benefits I've experienced from teaching: the enthusiasm of students gives me energy for my work.

  8. the butterflies are a very nice addition!

  9. Love your butterflies, Allie! They are just the perfect touch.

  10. Great butterfly. Thank you for this inspiration.

  11. Hi Allie, It's nice to see you stitching again. Love the butterflies! Maureen

  12. Ahhhhh!!! So stunning. I just love how you can apply just about anything to your quilts in such a fabulous 3D effect. Beautiful!

  13. Hi Allie!

    You're on my blog today too ;>}

    Love both butterflies. I guess the bead embroidery probably took a bit longer than the waste canvas method... Both look really wonderful on your quilt.

    Nice pictures!!!!!

    Hugs, Robin A.

  14. The butterflies are perfect additions to your Spring CQ!

    And that dogwood tree is magnificent!

  15. Beautiful, as always. Thanks so much also for the link to Robin's website which I loved.
    I still think you should do a book Allie!
    Jules x

  16. I love your waste canvas butterfles! They turned out so nicely.

  17. Hello Allie, Your Spring blooming Tree is gorgeous as is your two beautiful butterflies which landed in the perfect spot!! Hugs Judy


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