
Friday, April 3, 2009

Garden Lace...Embroidery Details

In keeping with my experiment of setting strict parameters for this crazy quilt--use of only home-printed flower fabrics, and only lace between all seams--I am putting very few kinds of embroidery stitches on my seams as well. Just herringbone and detached a few beads here and there.

A highly unified look is my design goal this time around. Crazy quilts are not necessarily random!

Keeping the stitching simplified speeds things along, too, as there are fewer decisions to make along the way. I've started from the bottom and am working my way up the piece.

Some of the flower photographs I printed had lace in them, too, like this one in the bottom right. Makes it kind of fun...

I adjusted the central circle area so that it is more uniformly round. This involved some quick work with the seam ripper and repinning and resewing, but was actually quite painless!

I'm away for a long week-end....hopefully this embroidery will be done by the time I get home.

May we all enjoy some lovely spring sunshine this week-end!


  1. The central circle is beautiful. I look forward to seeing the work you get done on this week end.

    Hope you have lots of sun shine!

  2. This is so gorgeous! Such a happy piece - u just have to feel good and smile when you see this! :)

  3. Very pretty, Allie. Nice to see something springy, even if it is on fabric. Thanks for the idea of backing lace with ribbon; it's a nice effect. And also for the link...could be dangerous though. Hope you're going somewhere warm and sunny!

  4. I just love this and have it on my list 'to do' with my next crazy quilt.

  5. Allie, your quilt is coming along nicely. I love how you have set parameters for this quilt. It is so beautiful.


  6. I love the trims best of all.

  7. This is such (another) inspired idea. I avoid prints like the plague, but you have come up with yet another fantastic design concept. I like this...a lot!!
    You Rock

  8. Yummers as always... that center is especially cool, I like the way you used the different scalloped laces all the way around it.

  9. I love how you combine the New Age computer generated fabrics with the old fashioned lace & embroidery! What fun & beauty combined!

  10. Hi Allie

    What a great idea to cover the seams with the laces and very little stitching. If others are like me I spend more time
    looking and trying to decide what stitches to use then actually embroidering. This would help take away a lot of the angst.

    Hope you have a great sunny weekend but think of all the beautiful flowers that rain will bring.



  11. Oh, that's just gorgeous! Makes me want to crazy quilt!!! Or, makes me want a crazy quilt!!! (that might be easier!) You are very talented!

  12. Oooh, you've gotten a lot done in 5 days... Love the ribbon-backed lace and the way it looks as a seam embellishment, love keeping it simple and keeping some elements constant, love your flower prints, love this piece!!!! See you very soon.. in MN! Love you... Robin A.

  13. This is just gorgous. I was a little hesitant but it is beautiful. I don't really understand about Steam a seam. I will have to look at that. Susan was describing it at our meeting and I had to have a look. I am so glad I did.
    Maureen in MD

  14. Hello Allie, I hope you had a lovely Long Weekend. What a super idea to place a color ribbon behind the lace. It gives it a very pretty look. Hugs Judy

  15. I love the lace as a substitution for elaborate embroidery. The whites and the textures add wonderful detailed accents.

  16. This is just delightful - in concept and execution! Pure confection!


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