
Friday, April 10, 2009

Garden Lace...Embellishment Finished

The quilt just needs to have a back and some corded binding put on it, and then it is done!

It is my second contribution to the Alliance for American Quilts "Crazy for Quilts" a board member, I am not eligible to compete, but I am happy to provide another quilt for their online auction of all entries next fall.
So you'll be able to bid on it, and all the entries, in a few months... ;-)

I thoroughly enjoyed making this, working within my strict design parameters of lace seams and my home printed floral fabrics. I kept the beading and embroidered stitching on the laces simple, wanting not to overpower the flowers in the fabric.

It was a little hard not to add a bunch more fun stuff on here, but I was determined to keep it simple!

The lace in the print (lower left) is nice with the real lace on top of it.
I know I'll be doing more of that in the future.

In fact, I see this as a warm-up for a large quilt project...
...which is a great way to view the making of a quilt for the Alliance's contest. Exploring ideas and honing concepts, contributing to a major force for good in the quilting world, getting your work out there on exhibit...this is a win-win for everybody.

You've still got plenty of time. So jump in and enter! Details are here...

Not enough people know that the entire collections of such institutions as the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum, the Museum of the American Quilters' Society, the Library of Congress American Folk Life Center, and so many more--these are their entire collections--are online and free for your viewing pleasure, inspiration, and education. When you take time to poke around the institutional collections here on the Alliance's Quilt Index , you will understand why I love supporting this fine non-profit, and hope you will, too.

The Quilt Index holds the above collections as well as thousands of other quilts. These can be accessed by:
--pattern name
--quilting group
--location made
--time period
--fabric fiber
--fabric type
--fabric pattern
--religious/ethnic/or cultural affiliation
--publications, exhibitions, or contests

Pretty amazing, isn't it?
If you don't want to enter the contest, you can still support the Alliance by becoming a paying member or donating. Find out here....


  1. Allie, that is so beautiful in it's simplicity. You always do such amazing work. I get inspired every time I come here.

    Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric,Fragrance and Findings

  2. Wow Allie. You've taken such an old fashioned concept & moved it forward into the Digital Age, so beautifully! Even though you say you kept it simple with the stitches, it seems so rich in texture & color. Another amazing work of ART!

  3. Krazee kwilting - Yor doin it rite!

  4. Your floral fabris really bring this to another level, Allie. Believe it or not, I have a feeling I'll be entering something in the Alliance contest, too. Will wonders never cease!

  5. Simple? Uh-uh. There's plenty going on here to keep drawing the eye, here and there. I love the way the seams radiate from the center. Your design parameters worked fabulously, or better yet, within your design parameters, YOU worked fabulously!

  6. Gorgeous - sometimes knowing when to quit is more important than knowing multiple techniques.

  7. It is amazing. Your contribution is also pretty amazing. So much variety and beauty in one spot. =)

  8. I keep wanting to see this up close because my eyes are tricked by the flower fabrics...this was an ingenious way to revisit the crazy really turned out yummy...

    honestly, it makes me want to print candy fabric and make sugar-coated seam treatments out of beads...


    sugar coated seam treatments....

    bye bye sugar pie...


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