
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Rose Block...Finished!

Ah, what fun to just encrust a block with the simple idea of "More is more!"

After I finished beading the rose motif with my new Two Needle Applique skills, the rest of the block came together pretty quickly.

But first, to that rose....

Once it was done, I realized I just couldn't stand the clunky "shading". The contrast in values between the outline beads and the inner ones was too great. I could not use it as it was, so I had nothing to lose...
...and got out my acrylic paints, a little paintbrush, and just went for it.
I figured that Japanese seed beads are why couldn't these be painted?
I like this better.

I cut it out and then used my fabric markers to color the edges of the foundation around the beads.

Then I trimmed it a little more closely, being careful not to snip any of my beading threads by accident.

I filled in the rest of my block with lots of fun stuff...

The yellow roses are from Susan; the fancy flower trim a gift from Betty; the waste canvas seam treatment in variegated pink/mauve was a design shared with me by Pam.
I love having my friends close when I stitch!

This will go off to join its sister blocks for this year's hospital quilt.

And now, to finish that Cottage CQ.....


  1. I love your block and the rose is beautiful!

  2. Gorgeous block, Allie. But we'd expect nothing less from you, LOL. I see you added a few of your beloved ants, too! Hugs, Cathy

  3. I'm new to your blog but I must agree with the late Liberace: Too much of a good thing is wonderful!
    Your work gives me a boost of joie de vivre!!
    And it is needed here - up to my waist in snow in my parts of Norway..
    I want it to be spring and summer!!

  4. This block leapt off the screen in such a happy dance today when I stopped by...You're so very clever with those markers and paint -- what person wouldn't be cheered by taking in the loveliness of it all. And I'm so glad I was there stitching with you today :)

  5. Very Pretty! You were right to paint the beads - you've got shading now, rather than a hard outline.

  6. The block is absolutely awe-some Allie and the rose is a beautiful addition.

  7. This block will surely be the star of the quilt! So pretty, all of it!

  8. This block is divine! You certainly put a lot of work into your CQ blocks, truly inspiring. The beaded rose turned out beautifully and I love the hint re the fabric markers.

  9. Definitely stunning! And of course, by now you know that beading, in and of itself, is yet another handwork addiction... ;-)

  10. hahaha! I'm still laughing about you painting your beads! That's awesome. I think you did a wonderful job. :)

  11. More IS more, and this is the MOST! You just keep getting better and better, Allie!

  12. Fabulous. The rose as modified is perfect, stunning, especially in its setting on the block. You've done it again!

  13. I really like the look of the beaded rose. I may have to find a motif to put on the beaded block I am currently working on.

  14. Breath taking, I love to watch your block to see all those wonderful details.

  15. did a fabulous job on your beaded rose...and the whole thing is a total work of art!

  16. Hello Allie, Your beaded rose is truly gorgeous as is the whole block. Hugs Judy

  17. It's a wonder that you can give it up... since all your friends have contributed too! I would love to see the "end" product!
    Love the colors and all the beautiful work.


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