
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cottage CQ....Playing in the Waves

I knew this was going to be fun!!!

I gathered my materials, starting with these....

This funny pile of orts (def: n. Archaic, crumbs, scraps; this is a great Scrabble word!) is actually a bunch of slivers of fabric that have been rotary cut at the fold line.

Then I got out my luscious little bin of blue Kreinik metallic threads...

I love Kreinik's threads!

Finally, I got out all my bubble-esque beads...

I have done a few lake projects with bubbles in the waves....but I'd never beaded over wave-printed fabric before. I was excited to start and see what would happen.

I pinned the orts in place...some along seams, and some "cross country". I couched them down with the Kreinik thread, and then added a line of herringbone stitching below.

Then I began sewing on bubbles!

This is just the beginning...but oh, I do think it is going to work.
Happy times...


  1. How clever is that. Never thought of saving the cuts.
    Waste not - want not, eh?

    This is looking great and you have such creative ideas. Can't wait to see it finished.



  2. And your creativity runs rampant! Can't wait to see what you do with that bit of sky!
    ~Jan Myhre, Spokane
    (yes, snowed in)

  3. OOOOH that is so beautiful!! little bubbles too. I wish I had known you when I was in my fabric strip knitting phase - lots of orts, but they got tossed.

  4. Cool idea with those orts. (I always thought of orts as Dust Bunnies, but now I've gotta save those scraps!) It's a good crossword, too! Also love the bubbles. My goodness you'd better watch out - you've got so many good ideas in your head, it might explode! Can't wait to see what's next! Hugs, Cathy

  5. I, too, have a bunch of Mickey Lawler's trimmed off folds that once in awhile find their way into my lake pieces. I never thought of using them as lap lines at the waters edge.

    This piece is wonderous! I love watching your progress.

  6. Just perfect, Allie, especially the bubbles! And aren't you a lucky soul to win that lovely stick pin?

  7. yowza Allie that looks great! And way to take the eco route. I might just have to link to this post in my blog :-p

    btw you don't have an overall shot of the quilt today, but I'm wondering how the sea glass melds with the additional embellishment. Yesterday I felt like it needed more glass to balance everything out.

  8. Oh, I do love the bubbles! I can almost smell the Lake! Ahhhh...happy memories...

  9. Hi!!! I love your work and your blog!! Congratulations!! I wish you the best for this new year!!!
    Loves from Spain!!!

  10. I love watching your piece progress, it is beautiful! Love the waves, bubbles, trees, grass, everything.

  11. I save those orts too--have a big bag of them but I haven't used them yet-well, for some postcards when I was doing them but now they usually end up in pet beds. I believe your idea is much more creative!

    This is really a fabulous piece!

  12. Wowzers, Allie! These waves are really gonna up the interest factor. I love the orts and the way the provide a smooth top for the waves. Cool!

  13. This is like watching a magic trick unfold! That's amazing, the bubbles are terrific. Oh great, now one more thing I have to save, orts!

    Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings

  14. Fabulous, definitely works! I gave you an award on my cq blog.

  15. Oh the fun part! This is going to be marvelous.

  16. It's definitely working...glub...glub...glub

  17. oh, yeah. it works! I am so amazed at how you "see" it in your mind to develop it in fabric. Thanks for posting the pictures!

  18. I LOVE the bubbles! Wonderful and lively!

  19. Those trimmings are like little tiny ribbons. What a cool way to use them, and they provide just the right amount of accent. The beaded bubbles are lovely.

  20. oh my will they ever work together nicely- already is looking so beautiful
    love n hugs bear xoxoxoxo

  21. This is going to be fantastic! Love those orts and "bubbles!"
    Watching this work-in-progress is such a treat...

  22. It is so fun to watch you paint a picture with orts.

  23. Right you are! And thanks for that fabulous word... I've always liked orts, of many varieties, and now they even have a name! Can't wait to see the whole thing! Robin A.


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