
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cottage CQ...Hydrangea Shrubs

AveryClaire asked on my last post what inkAid is.
It is a coating that you brush onto fabric--and then you let it dry--before running it through your printer. My experimental goal for this treatment was to get sharper, more saturated imagery on the fabric than would have been possible with it untreated.
I found this to be the case. The detail is in high focus and the colors are vivid. But the stuff makes the fabric stiff and each push of the needle requires much more pressure than normal. My fingertips are actually quite perforated these days.

So that is why the moaning and groaning over the inkAid. I do think it's great, just not for stitching through.

Fortunately, I didn't have to on my last bout of motif stitching.

I used an idea from Helen M. Steven's Embroidered Landscapes for my hydrangea shrubs.

However, as I got going on this the temperature outside plummeted, and my sewing room became too cold to work in.

That is snow comin' down outside. This room has lots of windows and just a little space heater, and I can't get it above about 50 degrees F on days like this...too cold for my fingers to work properly!
So I set up a card table and moved on into the living room where my guys hang out on their computers.

May likes to hang out here too, looking out the window right next to me. She also attacks my threads if she gets a chance.
(That is "Summer Lake Day" hanging to the left there.)

So back to the hydrangeas...

I made one on each side. This shows how one of them looked before the silk ribbon leaves and French knot flowers went on.

And here is a finished shrub....

I may add to them to fill them out a little more, but for now I've had enough!

Here you can see them "in situ". A line of something wonderful is going to have to go between them to "ground" that section. My guess is it will be rocks and lucky glass...actually, if you enlarge the picture above that has "Summer Lake Day" in it, you can see the rocks that were sewn on that Lake Michigan quilt. I do love sewing rocks.
I posted a tutorial on that here, on another little cottage piece.

But that is going to have to wait for several days, as I have to seriously get my Christmas preparations underway.
Hoping you all are getting in the spirit of the season!


  1. What a beautiful view you have from all your rooms! Worth a little cold. Actually, my sewing room has been cold this winter too; we found that the dryer vent flap needing replacing, and that seemed to solve it. No view to compensate unfortunately!

    The rocks will be a great addition to this.

  2. Love your sewing room, even if it does get to cold to stitch. Need some tapestries hanging over the windows during the winter bad days. =) You have wonderful views from your window. This was an interesting addition. I liked looking at the base stitching of the bushes up close.

  3. I think your piece is amazing -- but what is "lucky glass"?

  4. I really like how you continue to persevere on this piece overcoming the obstacles. It's turning into a gorgeous piece. I also like the one hanging on the wall -- do you have other photos of it?

  5. Your piece is just remarkable. That one you used for the rock tutorial is very nice too.It's easy to see where you get your inspiration, what a beautiful view. I would love to have all those windows. I was once asked if I could have anything at all in my sewing room what would it be and my answer was more windows.

  6. Your hydrangeas are stunning - glad they didn't shrivel in this crazy weather!

  7. We are seriously going to have to plan a meet-up when you get this piece finished because I so want to see it in person!

    Love that view out your windows. Get one of those oil heaters. They really make a difference. They look like the radiators of yore. I used to use one in my casita studio (of yore).

  8. What inspiring views you have. It's been very cold here too, and I had to turn up the heat in my office because the side of my body facing the wall-sized window was perpetually cold.

    I look forward to seeing your rock application to this piece. I love that technique.

  9. Marvelous shrubs - they look just right in their place. I can see your kitty in that picture! What stunning views, too.

  10. Boy what a view you have ! Lucky girl and now I imagine it's covered in snow. Your hydrangeas are looking beautiful this time of year...Merry Christmas.

  11. Beautiful! I suppose, hearing from my friends in your "neck of the woeds, I should stop complaining about the fog and gloom in Austin.

  12. What an amazing view! May must feel as though she is gazing down over her empire...

    I love the details you are adding to this quilt.

  13. Allie...I'm a bit late...but thanks for the explanaton of InkAid. I have hever heard of it. But then I don't do such magnificent work like yours. Your work is so creative and beautiful. Thank you for your great explanations and all you share with everyone.


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