
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Printing Fabrics for the Cottage CQ

Fabric printing is always a bit nerve-wracking for me because I am never sure if the colors will be right, the fabric will feed into the printers properly (I use two different printers and many different fabrics), if the print will actually be a good one, etc.
However, once I got into the groove I spent about five hours today printing up images of Michillinda for my landscape CQ....which I will call the "Cottage CQ" from here on. For the most part things went well and I got lots of imagery on fabric to work with.

These images will be cut up and pieced in a crazy quilt style along with some standard CQ type can see some of those piled up under the pictures.
The cottage in the center will be embroidered over...that's a technique I really enjoy, and will work well here.
It's going to be quite the challenge to integrate the representational with the abstract...and have the whole read as a cohesive and harmonious composition. But I've been thinking about this quilt--and taking hundreds of photos for it--for about three years, so I am ready to take it on at last!

Diane asked how I get the images on fabric.
Here is a tutorial on the subject from awhile back...


  1. OMG, Allie !!! This is the big one that will have my heart... I can not wait to see this and how you go about it's composition... you have ESP for what I wanted to see! ( and what I wanted to learn from you, la,la, la.. can you tell I'm estatic?)

  2. What an amazing project! Can you give me a quick idea how you get the photos onto fabric please?

  3. Oh this is going to be fun to watch!

  4. Very exciting Allie. I see familiar images in those fabrics. It will be fun to watch it develop. I was thinking about you today as I worked in my studio. You are so good at sticking to a project until it's done. I seem to have to have several going at once so I can flit from one to the other, as the mood strikes me. I guess that's part of being ADD.

  5. This is going to be a great piece. I'm interested to see how you integrate the photos with the CQ.

  6. What an interesting concept - I like the blending of old and new techniques. This one should be a real beauty.

  7. What beautiful images!! Trees, sky, and water - I see spots of gorgeous color in them, too. This may be your crowning achievment. Watching you work beats T.V. any time.

  8. Allie, you are a rock star! I just know you are going to love working on this special piece.

  9. Allie-I was so pleased to be able to see your work in person this weekend at the IQF. Since I had seen it before on the blog, what got my attention first was how flat it hangs. Others in the category of any size tended to have the waves and deep ripples. Honors should have been accorded to you on construction alone-Has any approached you about a book proposal of crazy quilt skills that aren't just stitching? You have much to offer. And while I know I can look them up on your blog-it would be nice to have them handy in a solid form, all together.
    Your quilts were really lovely, so much stitching and love go into them, and one of them should have got the blue ribbon-I know, I was there.

  10. 3 years sounds like pretty good warm-up time! *wink*

  11. Amazing!
    Well, I guess you know what you will be working on/off for the next few years. What a wonderful project.
    Since you love tree's as much as I do, have you ever been to the Olympic Rain Forest? Talk about spectacular!!! You would love it! Last time I was there I was around 10 or so. But once you go, it's hard to forget!

  12. I have to say I'm curious to see how this turns out, too. It's always neat to see how people approach new ideas, and as far as I can tell photography in quilting is definitely a new idea.

  13. Better invest in some more popcorn...and a pair of slippers this time...just so you know, you're two day class is over half full and today was the first day we announced it!!!

  14. I can't wait to see what comes of these. I wish I had half of the creativity and imagination as I've seen come from your work.

  15. Thank you so much for creating the tutorial. I must try it out.


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