
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Our Beloved Sharon B Has Moved!

In A Minute Ago, Sharon Boggon's blog and a central square of the world wide online textile village (its fountain, in fact, in my opinion) has moved.
Find her here at Pin Tangle
Add her to your RSS and leave her a comment (called a "post" in her new blog's a different term but same method is involved...)

Good luck, Sharon, and congratulations on the move. We'll be reading regularaly!


  1. I love the ants in your header!

  2. Thanks on the "heads up" on Sharon B.'s move! The new one is really pretty - and simple and uncluttered. Content fabulous as always. I discovered her myself during the "100 details" thing, and shortly after, through her, found you! Blogs are a good thing.

  3. thanks for the notice. I will update my links.


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