
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cottage CQ...Seam Driven Motifs

"Seam driven motifs" is a term I made up to describe how I'm experimenting with this stitching on the Cottage CQ. I want the seams to be covered with stitching, as in all crazy quilting, but those stitches are supposed to contribute to the representational imagery of the composition. So I had to come up with a new designation.
It was fun to read Sharon B getting excited about this here.

These trees on the right side of the cottage show what I mean. The stitching of the leaves and pine needles follow the seams between the patches, but they create the objects, the tree motifs, as well.
Here are the trees on the left side...

I did have to go "cross country" across one of the patches on this side, as the seams hadn't been sewn exactly in a tree like configuration.
But we don't want too much pre-planning here, do we?

Here's the overall view. I've printed up some "woods to beach" transition fabrics for that left hand side that's been bothering me. So now I'll get out the bulldozer and see if I can reshape that beach more to my liking...


  1. I understand now what you mean. I like this idea very much. and i like the forest to beach transition better too :)

  2. That's a terrific effect. I learn so much reading your blog!

  3. I love seeing this come to life. Your are a true artist. I like the sand/ shore line you're adding, it looks fantastic.

  4. The new images make such a realistic view now. Love how you said " bring out the bull dozer". The trees you've created are fantastic, Allie

  5. I especially like your pine tree, Allie. The needles are very realistic! How did you do the other it silk ribbon? Don't bulldoze too much....I think it's great!

  6. I like the way it ties together all the little pieces, removing some of that fractured feeling from the frame. It makes the trees more realistic to have a variety of fabrics behind them, as it is when we look through the branches of a real tree.

  7. That's a lot of leaves you've been stitching! And I was excited for you when I read Sharon's post -- seam driven motifs...everybody's doing it!

  8. The pine needle stitching is so realistic! It looks great. And the beach transition looks good. This is SO much fun to watch!

  9. Oo-o-o-o-whee-eee! These are fantastic seam motifs. Exhilarating to see. Must have been exhilarating to create.

  10. This is really great - the seam treatments not only decorate the seams but are becoming part of the scene itself.

  11. Your seam driven treatment has really given this piece dimension Allie. I love the "free style" of this technique. Thank you for posting the ongoing process of this piece for us. It fires up the imagination.

  12. Exactly the right treatment for this piece! definitely a "take it further" approach with the various stitches.

  13. What wonderful textures. Your trees are beautiful.

  14. It's wonderful watching this take shape! I love the greenery in both the piecing and the stitching so far!

  15. BREATHTAKING -- wish you were in the room with me when I exclaimed out loud!

  16. It's beautiful! Pre-planning would take the "crazy" out of it! Those tree seams are awesome.

  17. I have been watching this from the start with much interest trying to figure out where you were going with this. when I see your seam driven trees. This is gonna be amazing! I have also told some of my friends about this as well as I am now in two crazy quilt round robins and one that just started is landscapes.

  18. Ok I did something wrong it posted my comment as anonyomous

  19. Those trees are so clever ... and look fantastic. I too was wondering how you did the rightmost tree - it was more the thread used that the stitches as I think they look like two lazy daisy stitches, one inside the other.

  20. This is so amazing.I am learning alot reading along with your progress here. I just love the way the trees are coming out,


  21. Ohmygosh! The tree seams are awesome! I'd never thought of doing something like that. I've seen embroidered seams, but nothing like this. Wow!


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