
Sunday, November 9, 2008

Cottage CQ...Midground Pieced (Mostly)

It's coming along, but is pretty exhausting work! This is mostly because I am having to invent my sewing strategies as I go along, all the while shaping the composition as best I can in the process.
There seems to be a large oval developing in the center, which I like, but I am not going for symmetry either.

One tool that's helped a lot is my laptop! I would try different fabric arrangements of the grassy midground area, photograph them, then look at the image "reduced" on my laptop.

This helped me see where I wanted to change the value of an area, or how I wanted the waves to flow, or if some color was a little "off". It was a good way to audition fabrics.

This was the final "lay out". I decided I wanted the waves and beach to flow around and down.
Then I spent part of yesterday and today sewing that midsection.

This part was definitely the most difficult area to sew so far. I'm getting the look and feel that I want, though, which is what keeps me going.

That white area above the waves along the bottom is going to be a big foamy wave with lots of heavy white stitching, bead and crystal bubbles, like it is breaking on the shore. It balances out the white in the sky above the cottage, and also will be a great challenge! Because it will have the heaviest embellishment, that should make it "read" smack in the foreground.

I hope to get my beach "chunks" pieced tomorrow. Then will come the very slow and careful process of fitting and sewing them all together by hand.....


  1. Looking sweet! Wow, the beach placement must be challenging as I'm sure your photos were done from the shore to lake, making them tricky to work backwards as a "beach look" TOWARDS the house. I envy your ability to have the space to "just walk away" from your project as to mine of having to move it to "sleep"... CQ does not make a good "bedfellow" unless I'm just dreaming it.

  2. This is a fun one to watch, Allie! Isn't it interesting how a camera can help you see things you wouldn't ordinarily notice?

  3. Your piece is coming out great-you do beautiful work!

  4. Only few words to say "ciao ciao".. i'm italian and i found your blog.. it's very very make things i really never think could be done.. i apologize for my poor little english - school.. a lot of time ago.. english (but yahoo italian translation is terrific too!! i understand better in original version!)

  5. This is really coming together nicely, Allie. You're very talented to be able to take a vision and get it down into art. Most of us have several "disconnects" along the way, LOL! I LOVE this piece! BTW, if you ever need a low-tech version of using a computer for reducing images, a reducing glass is wonderful! I use mine a lot. But I can see where a camera and computer can give you more ability to see a larger area! Hugs, Cathy

  6. I'm in awe of your talent to visualize your project so well. So pleased that you are letting us all follow your progress.

  7. This quilt already has "ambience" - and depth and personality. I do look forward to watching you embellish! You have certainly put yourself and how you feel about that place into this work of art.

  8. Coming along nicely, Allie! That big wave will be cool in the foreground and fun to embellish, too. It always amazes me how looking at a piece on a table and then looking at the same thing on a computer screen shows the overall picture so much better... I guess it is because there is no "outside" interference.

  9. The piece is just wonderful. I really dig the fractured look you've got going there. Isn't the computer/camera a wonderful tool? It's amazing how you can see things you wouldn't see in person. You can also flip it sideways or upside down to have a look at it that way, too.

  10. ooohhh, it's working...I think you're definitely getting the effect you want...I'm looking at it all the way over in Ellicott City and it works...

  11. Wow - it is really looking good - very different from the traditional CQ.

  12. I was wondering what you were going to do in that dome over the house. I like that sky/sun composition a lot.

  13. How do you do it? Oh...practice does make perfect!

    Granny Fran

    Well, I'm not the only one having this problem when commenting; I got an error code and followed it to see that several people were having the same problem. No one is coming up with an answer yet, though. But I only have this problem commenting on your blog. Weird!

  14. Allie, it's really coming together! I almost feel like I'm there! It's wonderful... my two favorite places in the world! The Ocean, and most any place with tree's! It's great!
    Hang in there, I can imagine that your computer is really a big help! Keep up the good work!


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