
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pat's Peace Sign...Part 7

Thank you ALL for your congratulations. Your kindness just blows me away....!

I will celebrate just about anything by spending an afternoon piecing. Oh how I love a pile of fabrics, cup of coffee, and the peace to just wing it with my trusty Juki.

My goal was to get the borders pieced and onto my center peace section.

Because the overall quilt will only be 16" X 16", each border section was small. Plus, I kept myself strictly limited in fabric choices--in this case, all dark greens--and this can keep the process moving along quickly. I accomplished my goal in about three hours.

I love how embellishments jump out from dark valued fabrics. Black is the traditional choice for this, but in this case the flower colored stitching will stand out from the dark green background.
The stitching will be kept relatively "flat" so as not to compete with the 3 D flowers in the center. No doubt some rayon cording will go along the edge of the central square. I always end up adding that!

So I am good to go for some traditional CQ seam treatments...just in time for the Post Season playoffs.
Go Dodgers!!!!


  1. Nice choice for the border, Allie. That should be really pretty when you finish it. What's the reference book you seem to be using?

  2. Pretty - the dark green really lets the center shine.

  3. The centre does jump out, it's a lovely piece. And what about the view from your sewing seat!

  4. This piece is coming along beautifully. I love your work Allie. That view from your sewing room is WOW.

  5. Indeed, what a view you have there, lovely!

  6. Green is the new black! It sets off not only the center but the flowers too. God was onto something when he made the world green...

    Love the view but think you need a knitting project sitting on the windowsill...

  7. Your "peace" section is fabulous, but how can you do anything but sit and gaze out at the gorgeous view?

  8. Looks gorgeous Allie.
    I wondered what the little book of stitches book was too. Is it Pam Kelloggs one?

  9. Your fingers must be red from canning tomatoes! I didn't can the vegies, just made a huge jar for the fridge. The only thing I canned this year was the tomato jam.

    Have a nice weekend.

  10. I enjoyed seeing your peace sign develop. So you won't be switching to the Pfaff for all your stitching? Congratulations on your win, btw. That's great!

  11. that border is gorgeous...of course, green is my favorite color :) im enjoying the process...very pretty indeed!

  12. Great view through the window where your sewing machine is. Your work reflects the beauty seen through the window.

  13. This is the best trade I've ever made! I've enjoyed visiting your blog and watching you make "Peace". I can't wait to hang Peace in our home.

    Sue will help me baste your quilt this week. It is a blue and white queen size scrap quilt. Most of the fabric came from my stash and some fabric was given to me by friends. I was surprised I had so much blue fabric.

    Thanks Allie!

    Peace...I never stop hoping for peace....



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