
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Floral Symbols

After creating the peace sign out of flowers, I got to thinking about what other symbols could be depicted with this approach. I do want to enjoy those blooms during their last weeks, and creating images from them is a way to "preserve" them for the winter.

This Star of David is not quite straight and true, and I think I will redo it. But I like the idea of the frame being formed...the center could be filled with a portrait of a loved one...especially a Jewish loved one! ;-)

India and her spiritual traditions have a very special place in my heart, so I had to make an "Om" symbol. I would love to try adding 3 D flowers over the base of this after it's been printed onto silk.

There is other preserving to do these days besides the flowers, though. The pears are coming ripe and Robert's tomatoes are yielding a truly bumper crop. So it is back to the canning kettle for me and Barbie....


  1. Wow, Allie, not only tomatoes, but all these pretty flowers! Don't you just love those purple asters? Are you making more salsa?

  2. That Star of David would look nice with my little red-headed demon grandson in it. It matches his new Yarmulka he wears for "Saturday School." These are wonderful - as will be the new batch of pear chutney.

  3. Allie, these are all just way too cool. How did you ever think to do Om and Peace. I love these symbols!Smashing!

    Oooh, pear chutney...

  4. I'm also loving the symbols. The om is especially beautiful with its color gradation. You're really finding new meaning for the term "the language of flowers."

  5. Your symbols look like fun but honey, it's the continuous canning-atorium you have set up that is totally amazing to this East Coast, supermarket babe. I LOVE the idea of living off the land and canning and eating it all winter...I just wouldn't know where to start....Maybe you can help. If you were going to only plant one or two crops that you could then try to "can", what would you suggest? I think I can, I think I can...

  6. And my third favorite symbol! LOL


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