
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Canning With Barbie..OT from CQ!

It's not just tomatoes....all our corn is coming ripe at the same time now too!
So we have made two giant batches of corn relish in the last is the recipe:

Corn Relish (for canning)
Yields 5 to 6 pints

22 to 25 medium size ears of corn (enough to make 10 cups of kernels)
1 cup chopped red bell pepper
1 cup chopped green bell pepper
1 1/4 cups chopped celery
3/4 cup chopped onions
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
2 1/2 cups distilled white vinegar
2 cups water
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon celery seed
2 1/2 tablespoons mustard seed
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric

1. Cook ears of corn in boiling salted water for 3 to 5 minutes. Plunge into cold water. Drain corn. Cut kernels from cob with knife. Kernels should measure 10 cups. Combine corn with remaining ingredients in large pot and simmer 15 minutes.

2. Immediately pack into clean, hot pint jars, leaving 1/2-inch headspace; seal. Process in boiling water bath for 15 minutes.
The only problem is I whacked my back carrying the full-to-the-brim canning kettle from the stove to the counter yesterday, and can only stand at a 45 degree angle today. I simply cannot stand up straight without being pointedly reminded that all is not well in my sacroiliac.

But no matter, we carry on, and I had some help from Barbie, as you can see.

This is the first of several bags of harvest from Robert's garden.

Actually, she did a good job running things in the kitchen while I was hobbling about.

Well o.k., I helped a little.

And always remember, it is never too late to play with dolls!

I've been stitching too...more on that tomorrow. ;-)


  1. Mmmm... that relish sounds awfully good... I'm glad you had help with all that corn! ;0)

  2. Sounds real yummy to me, Allie. Hope your back feels better soon; a sore back is NO fun!

  3. That looks yummy! So glad Barbie was there to help you out. My back has been a mess for about 6 weeks. I started wearing a back brace while I am doing tie dye.

  4. Thank you for the yummy recipe. I live in the middle of corn and onion farms and can always use a new recipe. Never thought to ask Barbie to help...I should go find her downstairs in the toy chest!

  5. Allie, found you through a link from Ribbonsmyth. Sorry about the sore back! Thank goodness you had Barbie to help. I have just started dabbling in silk ribbon embroidery and just love it. I am doing small projects, the idea of an entire quilt is just too intimidating for me. Doing pinkeeps and sachets to sell on my website. Really enjoyed seeing the process of your work, the white tote is beautiful, the burner bag is interesting (sorry, just not my cup of tea-but the workmanship is lovely). Hope to keep following you on your journeys.

    Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings

  6. Sorry, but even though I've canned for years and heard of corn relish... what do you use it on/for? Just wondering... hey I'm game to learn something new... I must say... that's something I've always believed... never too old to learn something new!
    Heck, if Barbie can help then I'm sure that I've got a few stuffed animals that would be a great help when I do my spaghetti sause! And salsa... and blanch the brocolli etc...
    Feel better... tell Barbie to take up the slack and put some ice on that sore back!

  7. That recipe sounds yummie...and i love your Dodger fan!!! We all grew up with the Dodgers when we were kids...foot long Dodger dogs...Tommy Lasorda...and the voice of Vin Scully :) takes me back :) Thanks for sharing!

  8. That's a lot of cooking, but doesn't it feel good to have home canned goodies in the pantry?

    I hope you're feeling better soon. Maybe Barbie can give you a massage.

  9. Hope your back is better soon. I"ve never had corn relish but it's got all the stuff I love. I think I would need a whole army of Barbies in my kitchen...and a clean-up crew of Kens.

  10. Thanks for the recipe, it looks yummy. I have made sweet and sour and dill pickles. Still need to do some zucchini relish (DHs favorite)

    Hope your back is better soon!

  11. Oh, I know the pain of a slipped sacroiliac. Hope you're resting to let it correct itself.

    Ernie and I had corn relish with our dinner the first night we spent together.

  12. Goodness! You are going to be eating a lot of corn for a long time. Have you ever put corn in pancakes? Very tasty.

  13. Thanks for the giggles regarding your helper and I do hope your're on the mend. Quite the job but looks like a great recipe (and a pretty one) for the pantry.


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