
Monday, September 1, 2008

The Burner Bag...Finished

Pretty crazy....

I was glad to get this done!
The fringe didn't work so I left it off. And to answer Judy S's question, yes, that is multicolored ribbon in the extreme upper right, just done with a herringbone stitch (and a giant needle).

I decided to create a follow-up tote that refines the shape of this one a little bit, as well as simplifies the block piecing. Fabrics and colors will be in the green and white range, embroidery more delicate. But I still want to experiment, so I am trying stenciling for the first time.

Oil pastels, stencil, and stencil brushes gave me....

...this! It will go where the "Burner Girl" went on the last one, front and center. I'll try quilting it before I piece it in, too--another experiment.

Thanks for your very kind (and diplomatic) comments re the Burner Bag.
It's good for me now to get my head back out of town, so to speak, and into the garden again!

Plants are getting floppy but still blooming...

The taller flowers dominate this time of summer....

...unless they grow down over the wall instead....


  1. Hi Allie, Is that geranium spilling over the wall? It's grey and cool here today....seems like fall is coming way too fast.

    Love your crazy tote; it's fun to explore uncharted waters occasionally! And I think it turned out just great, even if you did omit the fringe!

  2. I've been lurking around reading your blog for quite some time now. You are obviously a very talented textile artist...but today I just had to leave a comment. That photo of the house and the garden with the stormy skies! Wow...what an eye for beauty. Your garden is an artwork too!

  3. Wow you did that fast! I am exceedingly intrigued by these pencils and stencils...I am getting tired of piecing things and want to paint them instead.

  4. Personally I love the bag! It's so very different from anything I've seen anywhere.
    As always, your garden is lovely and it's so sad to think that fall is coming and soon our gardens will be done. I don't want to even think about it!

  5. wow, sewing and the garden, really wonderful, and very inspiring!

  6. Boy, you scurried back to flowers rather quickly!

  7. Allie, I think you've converted me now I see your finished bag!! It's certainly unique, it gives CQ a modern twist which not many could carry off. Well done!!

  8. I think the bag is way cool. I love it!

  9. Hi Allie,

    I've just nominated you for a blog award - details are on mine. I do enjoy reading yours, and particularly like the way you show us all your beautiful garden.
    Cheers, Sue McB

  10. Hi Allie, I nominated you for the "I love your blog" award. Details on

    Thank you for being such an inspiration.

  11. Burner bag--now this is CRAZY quilting. AMAZING!

  12. You are surrounded by beauty with garden literally 'overflowing'. I am happy to be here again.

  13. The Burner Bag certainly is unique and a great project to stretch your art and creativity.

    The stencil and gardens are lovely!

  14. I think I'd have to turn the bag inside out and air brush some ALLIE graffiti all over it. The handles too. Then, a few streaks of red hair dye on that head of yours and you're ready to hit Portland on a weekend night. Don't forget the burnout lace boots which are all the rage this season...

  15. I am so impressed with the way you stepped outside your comfort zone on this project. I think it came out gorgeous! You were smart, I think, to use visually heavier trims and seam embellishments.

    And now you know: you truly can do anything! Thanks for the inspiration.

  16. I'm thrilled to see your experiments-it's fun to push at those boundaries.And thanks for the views of the garden-I remember how lovely it was last year and I never tire of seeing it.

  17. I would love to know more about using oil pastels on fabric. Do you have to use any type of heat setting or textile medium?

  18. I think the Burner Bag is super cool! We need to vere away from our comfort zone occasionally and you did it very successfully. Your garden is so lush. I wish I had a garden genie to make a beautiful garden for me.


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