
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Uncle Hal's Cottage Paintings

"H", my beloved late uncle, was a watercolorist. He and I shared a deep bond in the way Michillinda inspired us in our creative endeavors.
I thought I would share a couple of his paintings that are hanging here in the cottage.
He really nailed this place.

But first, this is the north end of the row. There is lots of ground between the cottages and the edge of the bank overlooking the lake, but it wasn't always so. All the cottages have had to be moved back twice during my lifetime, due to erosion of the bank.
H's paintings are from the era when the cottages were right at the edge of the bank, before they were moved back. I loved that period because the waves were practically beneath my window. We were right on top of the lake! Scary during the big storms--I still dream about that--but so cool.

This was on a calm day....

He did a very large painting of the woods in front of the cottages....the one below is a study for it.

There were many nights of stargazing on that lookout that you see there....a few teen-aged make-out sessions, too!
H would have loved reading that..... ;-)
He'd love knowing that the "H" quilt got accepted into the Houston show this fall too. Yippee!

I've brought some stitching and I will share that next time. Today it looks like some rain is coming in, so it is going to be an indoor afternoon.....


  1. Enjoy your stay at this lovely place. The weather seems just about perfect, at least from my area not too far away.

  2. Congrats for the H Quilt! I will enjoy seeing it up close and personal. Clap! Clap!

  3. fantastic to hear about "H" getting in to Houston.

  4. Congratulations on your good news! I'm sure it's fitting to have heard while you are at the cottage.

  5. These paintings bring me back to remembering the cottage piece you did last year with the stone border... obviously your Unc was a special guy whom you shared lots with! Ditto on the serendipity of learning your acceptance to Houston while there... Unc H would be no doubt thrilled as I'm sure you are too! Congratulations, Allie!

  6. Beautiful paintings Allie and congratulations that your wonderful quilt will be in the show! You must be so proud and I'm sure your Uncle Hal would be thrilled too.

  7. I always love your postings about the cottage and the lake. Hal's paintings are so good. I've always wanted to watercolor, but I have zip talent for making anything look like what it is, so I'm in awe of those who can.

    I can only imagine what it cost to move those houses!

    Congratulations on the piece going into Houston!

  8. There are so many reasons to love that lake, aren't there? I love the idea of the lake's waves lapping under your window. I also like the idea of being surrounded by paintings showing what your Uncle loved. Congrats on H's quilt being shown in Houston! Sleep well.

  9. Congratulations on H being accepted for the Houston show! I love seeing your Uncle Hal's paintings, and the photos of you at the cottage. The story about your Grandmother's crazy quilt and your cousin is so special. Many of the cousins in our family were separated by such distance that during our hectic earlier years we didn't keep in touch. But, now that we are older we are thrilled to be connected again by the internet and by family reunions.


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