
Friday, August 22, 2008

"Friends"...Embellishment Finished

I made a bunch of these lettered sayings last year, thinking I would use them as bases for fresh floral photographs.
Like this....

And I did like how this came out.
But just like in the Spring CQ, all my fresh flower arranging is starting to translate into my crazy quilting, too.
Here is how "Friends: Opposites Attract" has finished up. (The "opposites attract" refers not just to wonderful friendships, but the fact that the dominant colors, orange and blue, are opposites on the color wheel.)

Getting this balanced compositionally without it being symmetrical was a fun challenge for me.

Detail shot here...I just love combining different elements like this.
I could do a ton of these...but there are other "fish to fry", as Susan Elliot wrote me this morning. Lots of fun projects in the works!

But first I have a garden to weed that's been neglected for two weeks now...
Not to mention the never ending supply of produce from Robert's garden to deal with!

We are eating well these days...........


  1. I am fascinated by the creative ways you find to create your floral embellishments. Friends looks fantastic in the middle of that blue crazy quilt.

  2. Friends looks wonderful. Love how you carried the blue/orange opposites into the background, too. What is the sparkly orange in the upper right corner - looks like chain stitches and goes under the yellow herringbone?

    That bag of veggies looks so yummy! I know Paul would love to have the tomatoes for his home made salsa.

  3. Now daggummit...I keep trying to look at a close up picture of this and I'm frustrated cuz the big picture won't let me get close up...Anyway, I was a little bit successful when you posted that ONE close up picture on there because I really wanted to see what was going on in the white space...I kind of figured out that you'd added some white silk ribbon sprays in the middle there and I happen to really like that, Miss Allie. There's lots more there to see if I could just see it so maybe I'll be selfish and ask for a few more close-ups?? I promise I'll do a favor for you someday... Oh and thanks for mentioning me...that was sweet.

  4. Like Susan, I had to see what you did in the white background too. It was very successful and added such a nice subtle texture and lace look to the piece. Very pretty! Will this go on foam core?

  5. I have always loved the looks of crazy quilts... just the fact that they are so Sirendipidious I suppose (sorry, my spelling is not what it should be!). So that you can put anything you want into them. Great colors.
    Oh, and what are you going to do with your veg's? Have fun!

  6. Great work! The white-on-white grabbed my attention, too. What can I add? Just, I second all the other comments, including Susan's request for more close-ups.

  7. You are an artist with the camera as well - that veggie picture makes me want to get out the artist's canvas again, and not just do needlepoint.

  8. I love the colors on this piece. The blues in the background remind me of different shades of denim blue. As always, your floral embellishments are lovely.

    Gardens here are slow to mature and produce. I hope my plants are as productive as yours--soon. My tomatoes are full of flowers and the green beans are just starting to come in. I hope to do a little freezing and canning this season.

  9. This turned out great. I could look at it for hours - there's so much wonderful detail!
    Our garden is running over as well. We've already made 6 batches of marinara sauce and a double batch of spaghetti sauce and they are still coming! I'm allerfic to them raw so I have to keep finding cooked uses and encourage him to give lots of them away!

  10. Just gorgeous. Your flowers look so real. The contrast to the dark blues of the crazy quilt is beautiful!

    And those veggies!!!! Your sweety did a good job with the garden. Enjoy!!


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