
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Spring CQ...Center Block Attached

My brother is here on a visit, so I haven't had a whole lot of time for sewing (we've been doing fun touristy stuff around Portland)...but I did get the center block sewn on.
It doesn't look perfectly symmetrical that way it should...but that's what dangling leaves and tendrils over the sides are for!

Here is a detail shot of the edge of the center block.

And here is the whole block in place.

While Matt and I were out and about visiting some area nurseries, I came upon this rose....

It is called "Dove"...and I am going to see if I can make something inspired by it for the center. Isn't it beautiful?

...and here are me and Matt regressing at Multnomah Falls....


  1. That picture at the end is adorable... total regression to about 1965? ;0)

    Love the center block, too. And that rose really gives you the picture of a dove, doesn't it?

  2. That trim is gorgeous, and the shape of the piecing on the center block reminds me of a lily. Really beautiful.

    Cute pic of you and your brother. What fun!

  3. Wow, Allie, I love the center part! The piecing is great, and the seam treatment is, too. Did you "invent" the way you attached the beads? However, you did it, the effect is perfect. Can't wait to see the rose turned into CQ!

  4. OK, for a gal that didn't sew much, you sure attached a lot of beads *wink* And if that's regression, I vote for regression as a permanent psychotic state! It looks wonderful to me and I want to live there.

  5. Your centre piece looks marvellous Allie (even unembellished). I am so pleased you covered/removed that darker cream piece on the bottom threw everything out.
    Your beaded gimp (is it??) looks great.

  6. [squeal] that trim is gorgeous!! I am so proud! And that rose, it looks like a gardenia. Enjoy da bro. I wish I had a bro.

  7. What a beautiful rose--I love the shape of the petals, and the way the whole blossom isn't quite round.

  8. that picture of you and matty is hysterical!! did you just get done singing camp songs or something. wish i was there!!!!!!!
    love seester

  9. I know you pieced the inner area before coming across the rose... how cool to find the "Dove" as further inspiration, if not a "sign" to let you know your intuition is right "on point" with this one... simply gorgeous as always! You and your brother look to be 2 peas of the same pod... definately moments to cherish. What a great photo!

  10. You're making such lovely progress. Those roses are so beautiful! Looks like you're having a great time with your brother, too.

  11. The spring cq is turning out fabulous. It will be fun to see what you do with the pretty rose.

  12. The trim definitely worked! Nice to know I was there when it was chosen! Your piece is just as pretty in person as in the pics.

  13. Your block is lovely. I can see why you are inspired by the rose, too.

  14. Allie, did you stitch the ribbon in place, then thread what looks like a thin cord through one of the stitches, around the bead, then through the next stitch? It looks great!

    I,too, look forward to seeing your interpretation of the rose.

  15. The rose is absolutely gorgeous! Can't wait to see how you do it.

  16. How pretty! I love the floral fabric you used and the curves that seem to flow in all directions, like a flower opening. The rose will be gorgeous added to it. Definitely looking springier every time I see it.

    I know you are having a great time with Matt. How fabulous that you could have this time together.

  17. I love to visit Portland and regress with my brother at Multnomah Falls too. :)

    The "Dove" is beautiful indeed!

    Smiles, C

  18. The center of your quilt is beautiful......the Dove rose is too.....not to mention your cute face in this picture......and typical brother expression on Matt. You guys are just too cute!!! Pat

  19. Hello Allie, The Dove Rose is very lovely, I have never seen one before. The photo of you and your brother at Mut. Fall is super. I can see you all was having heaps of fun. Hugs Judy

  20. Your spring CQ and 3-D flowers are incredible!! And inspiring!


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