
Monday, July 7, 2008

Sewing Outside

When my boys were little and Robert was away flying, sometimes I would take a break from being a conscientious parent and declare it "Do What You Want Day". It was great: Max and Chad could play computer games all day, have ice cream for dinner, whatever they felt like. And I could do what I wanted too, which of course involved lots of sewing.

Well, it's that kind of day for me....and it just doesn't get much better than this!
I have lots of oya to sew onto my Spring here I am, just grooving on summertime....

Hoping you all are enjoying this great time of year too!


  1. Now that's a perfect sewing day! I wish I could do that.

  2. Allie, you look like you have your own little slice of Heaven right there!! Good for you....Debbie

  3. that looks wonderful. I wish I could join you.

  4. In Texas that was last April- it's about 105 in the shade now here. Hanging out indoors in the AC is my stitching time now. I get a lot done because it's too hot to go outside and play.

  5. Isn't this weather great today, Allie? You were SO right; it warmed up after the weekend was over. The temperature is just about perfect and no bugs. Our daughter was so appreciative of the latter!

  6. Oh I can't wait until my boys are old enough, we are almost there, they are 2 and 4.

    Looks like you had a lovely day.

  7. What a great idea! I love the summer. No homework, no early morning wake up for school. Aaahhh. I may have to move my sewing machine to the back deck!

  8. What a sweet picture! Wow, a whole day dedicated to sewing? That would be a dream come true. I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely love your blog, it is one of my favorites. Whenever anyone is looking for inspiration or help in getting started I always give them the link to your blog. Thanks so much for all that you share. (You wouldn't be selling that Spring quilt, would you? LOL Because I have been drooling like crazy since you started it.)

  9. That is the most beautiful sewing "room" I have ever seen. I bet the birds were singing to you too.

  10. Such a perfect picture... this is one you need to save and give to your boys... they will ever remember you so.

  11. What a wonderful day. I love the vibes of peaceful productivity in a beautiful setting. I so much enjoy your blog and since crazy quilting is next on my list to try, you provide a LOT of inspiration. Thanks for sharing your life and work.

  12. Looks like heaven. I see you have your trusty laptop nearby, too.

  13. Hello Allie, You look like you are truly enjoying your day of stitching. I recieved "The Brillante Weblog Premio Award and I thought your blog was very deserving for all the teaching you do on your blog. Sooo I am notifying you that I nominated you
    Allie,Hugs Judy

  14. Oh, we used to do that when my girls were little--or something similar. We would declare an Art Day. We didn't have to get dressed or brush our hair. We could eat ice cream or cereal or whatever we craved at the moment. But most of all, we could wallow all day in art experiments. The girls were free to take breaks for Barbies or cartoons or whatever they wanted. But usually, they stayed right beside me, experimenting and laughing. Those were the BEST days.

  15. That does it. I'm hosting my very fist "Allison Aller's Do Whatever You Want Day" here in Baltimore in my house in the next week. Lucky Jack, he's going to really love you now when you come to visit.

    One question, when your boys finally went away to college and could pay unlimited amounts of computer time, could they actually do something else? I worry that Jack will never go to class or read a book if he could play on the computer whenever he wanted...I know, it's fear driving me, but fear nonetheless...

  16. I love this, what a perfect day. I had a day like that last Saturday but my one was inside by the fire. Your work is amazing.

  17. Man, it sucks that I don't even remember that stuff. What's the point if I can't look back fondly on it too??

  18. The comment before mine from Maximus ??? He must of fell off some hi tech wagon and landed here, eh? What a kook... anyway, I love this photo of you, fits right in with the picture I have in my mind of how you are! Heres wishing you many more days like this one.


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