
Friday, June 13, 2008


Dancing for joy this morning, the sun is out!!!!
I ventured forth to take some pictures and whom did I find?

The enemy.
Such a sweet, innocent little enemy. Here he is munching on a wild rose, which is o.k., it's all his...but everything else is off limits!
And I have finally found a really good way to defend against this aggressor, besides the deer fence of course....

I keep this in a sprayer for the unfenced front border by my house. This little deer would have nipped off every bud there but for this stuff, which smells like mint. I am paranoid and spray my plants about every 4 or 5 days and by golly it works.
If you are desperately locked into combat with deer, this concentrate could help you out.

Moving along to the garden....

Yes, those are shadows you see, caused by sunshine.

Yes, that is blue sky. These giant allium continually make me laugh.

And here is the object of my next quest and desire for the Spring CQ....

My roses have been on hold in the bud stage for weeks, due to this "Junuary" I want to capture them in the bud on my quilt.
Wish me luck!


  1. You are just loaded with inspiration there!

  2. Allison, Each one of your posts are "sunshine!" I'm so thankful that I found your site. Your Spring CQ, your garden and your writing are a constant visual feast. Thanks for sharing.
    Jan Myhre

  3. Oh, what a pretty rose! And do I see foxglove, too? Ours hasn't bloomed yet. We had sun here too, all afternoon.

    So do you have any "sure cure" for rabbits. They are so cute but so hungry. And they like roses, too. You'd think the thorns would slow them down!

    Can't wait to see how you portray this beautiful you know the variety?

  4. Oh, I can't wait for the foxglove and the hollyhock!!! OK, will the roses be be-ribboned or stumpwork. I have a BEAUTIFUL Japanese book on Stumpwork roses if you want to "see" it...I can arrange something...
    I'm so glad your face has turned to the sun, just like the sunflower...

  5. How are you planning to interpret the deer for your quilt? *wink* You know you have to. . .

  6. Your's like a wee little chunk of paradise!! It's beautiful!!

  7. I laugh when I read about your battle with a deer. In our case it is a 'bush turkey' and an angry possum. Your work is so very beautiful and inspiring.


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