
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Spring CQ...Primula and Calibrachoa

It was briefly sunny yesterday, and we so enjoyed using up our ration of nice weather for the week. I went outside and took a few pictures.

Here's a corner of the garden with my Giant Allium in the center left of the picture. I love those things, my "Dr. Suess" flowers.

But really, it's mostly been pouring and 55 degrees Fahrenheit so I've stayed inside, cooked curry, and sewn some more flowers on to my quilt.

These are again of the "inspired by variety", not botanically in any way accurate.
Primula, or "Primrose", and Calibrachoa, or "Million Bells" have both appeared in my garden over the years, so they qualify for this quilt, which is turning out to be a visual/horticultural memoir of sorts.
I needed the bright yellow shapes of the Primrose and the trailing habit of the Million Bells.

These oya from my friend Rengin in Istanbul were the perfect shape, but not yellow/orange enough, so I tried my trusty Tsukineko inks. The thread that these needlelace flowers are made from didn't absorb the color well enough though.

So I brought out the big gun...a Marvy Fabric Marker! Big bright yellow, real fast...

Those leaves are done with the Kreinik Soie Noppee silk thread I mentioned yesterday.

Here's the whole spray.....

...and there it is in a larger view.

This is really so much fun....makes up for all the rain.....almost!


  1. Hi Allie, this quilt is going to be really something wonderful.

  2. if this is a floral memoir, then don't forget the bleeding hearts!!! seester

  3. Greetings, Allie,

    Gosh, I hope you're not right about our sun ration; although with today's weather you could be right on target.

    Loved the addition of the primroses to your quilt, another of my favorites. I love their bright colors after the long gloomy winter although the grey skies have dragged on way too long this year. How about including columbine or fuschia? The bleeding heart suggestion's a good one if you need any more ideas!

  4. This is a joy for me in Austin, Tx. also to watch - as everything here has turned brown already from the heat. Enjoy that cool and rain. This quilt is as wonderful to watch as Crazy for Flowers was, I think.

  5. Allie your quilt is devine to say the least ... I love the way you are doing your flowers plus dying them - I'm learning sooo much on your Spring CQ it's like coming for a lesson every few days ... myyy your garden is looking beautifully green ... we have just had a couple of days rain here - how wonderful ... B

  6. I am finding the develpment of this quilt fascinating. Do you sketch out what you what to do or just go for it?

  7. I love your creativity when it comes to creating the various flowers. I am inspired to get back to work on my Spring Crazy quilt.

  8. It's so much fun watching you work on this piece. So many unique touches!

  9. Just wondering if the Soie Noppee silk thread is tricky to pull through the fabric...cuz it looks like a larger size it???

    I love the buttons/beads in the centers of your latest flowers!!!


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