
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Playing With Roses

At last!!!!
My roses are bursting forth in the late arriving but most welcome sunshine. I wanted to capture them in their first flush of bloom...

...and I also want to thank you all, the readers of this blog who bring such happiness to my life with your wonderful comments and are from all over the world and that thrills me no end!

So I offer these images for you to use as you will...print them on fabric or paper and just have fun with them. I intend to use the frame in my Block of the Issue for next month's CQMagOnline....

I plan on printing this on cotton sateen and then doing some waste canvas lettering in the center. "A + R", of course... ;-) What would you do with this?

Or maybe you'd rather have a full heart, so to speak. This could be fun as the base for some threadpainting.

Then there is the idea of just printing an overall and random arrangement to use like any other printed fabric: cut it up and piece it into quilt blocks! Or trim the cuffs of a jacket with it, or.....

I'm going to be taking a break from blogging til the end of the month, because I have a bunch of homework to do for CQMagOnline. Plus there is a major girl party in San Diego next week-end with my Seester...I'll still be keeping up with everyone's blogs and tuning in to Stitchin' Fingers, too...but I have to get cracking to meet my deadlines, so farewell until July!


  1. Those are beautiful images - I can almost smell the roses! Have a great time in San Diego!

  2. Hey, If you're in San Diego and want to do some shopping...
    Give me a holler.

  3. Fabulous roses Allie-they are worth the wait. Have a great time with your sister and we'll see you back here in July.

  4. I too can smell the roses! They are so beautiful.
    Work well and then enjoy the party with your sister!!

  5. Oh my, they're absolutely gorgeous! I can think of all sorts of things to do with a print like that. Enjoy your trip and little break!

  6. Thank you for the roses, mine have been bashed by wind and rain. Have a great time with your sister.

  7. Oh, those are so pretty! I haven't been able to do anything outside this year. And it looks like it too!

  8. Lovely images Allie! Thank you. THey are certainly worth the long wait for the weather to improve.

  9. Thanks, Allie! Have a wonderful time in San Diego; it's a great place! (We lived there for almost 12 years and 3 kids were born there....a while ago, however!)

  10. What beautiful roses, the colouring is gorgeous. thanks for coming by and leaving a comment, i do love comments. Have a great time at the party.

  11. Lush. I want to run them through the Color website and see the recommended palette that comes up! Enjoy the rest of your month!

  12. Beautiful roses. I can almost smell them.

  13. Allie, I can feel their smells...Enjoy your time in San Diego. We'll miss you, dear.

  14. Very pretty and very generous of you to offer them to us to use!

  15. B.E.A.UTIFUL! I'll bet they smell heavenly!

  16. Oh, how lovely... Thank you so much, Allie! Have a wonderful time with your seester! ;0)

  17. What beautiful roses. How nice of you to share. I love roses, too.

  18. Thank you thank you THANK YOU! I've always adored your flowers in your quilts and wanted to do one myself. I'm going to print out the silkies and put them aside to work on in the ead of winter, when all I dois dream of flowers!

  19. Ohhh....Those roses! Up here in the Great White North, mine are just readying their buds.

    Enjoy your CQ Mag experience -- bravo!

  20. Good luck with your deadlines and your "Sisters" party - both good reasons to disappear for a while!

  21. Wow! How generous to offer up the use of your beautiful images! I may do one in thread painting to use in my class in the fall! I will of course credit you!

    I hope your hubby does well with the halibut. I fugure our salmon only cost us about $200.00 per pound this week! When we got home, we pulled in to the local Safeway & they had a sign outside that said $6.99/pound for fresh Red salmon! We should've stayed home!

  22. Wonderful pic.......thanks!!!!
    ciao ciao

  23. Your roses are beautiful!!!

    Enjoy your trip!

  24. Oh wow, Allie! Those are beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing them with all of us. =) Have a lovely time in San Diego with your sister!


  25. And... THANK YOU for all the beauty and inspirations you bring into our lives!!! Half of my zPictures (screen saver) images are your flower pictures... someday I MUST visit your garden in person. I'm sure I'll think I died and went to heaven. As far as what you might do with these images... you have many pleasing possibilities, and the best will undoubtedly surface. Have a fabulous trip! Love and hugs, Robin A.


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