
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Spring CQ...Piecing Completed

Thank you so much for your kind birthday wishes!!! ;-)

So far I have loved every minute of working on this quilt...except these picky little corner arcs I had to applique on....

I knew there was no way I could piece this accurately.

Here is the quilt, all assembled. I love that I will have the freedom to go "from block to block" with my embellishments, and it's great to be able to work with everything all squared up from the beginning.

Now you can see where those little appliqued arcs are.

As to what is going to go in the center...I had an idea, and actually used my kindergarten-level Photoshop skills to test it out.

This is a print by Joseph Nigg (1782-1863) that I grew up with...I've always loved it. How would this work as the center of the quilt? I could print it on fabric.....

Not really that great, I decided. But the idea of a luscious floral arrangement in the center is worth pursuing...Maybe if I made my own out of real flowers.....and carried them around the green arcs too....I will just have to wait until they start blooming in the garden to find out....


  1. It's going to be another great piece of work - you are so talented Allie.

  2. It's a work of art Allison! I can't imagine what it will look like at the end, but I sure will be watching with awe.

  3. A bug floral arrangement will make a perfect center. It's going to be an awesome piece!

  4. Wow. That's stunning! I can't wait to see what comes next.

  5. Oh Allie it is just absolutely stunning. Thank you SO much for sharing your talents with us! I happen to think the flowers looked marvelous in the middle! But--I don't really have an eye for all of this difficult stuff. =) I still liked them though.


  6. Hi Allie,

    It will be interesting watching you audition flowers for the center ot this beautiful project. I thought the oval worked well and those colors were nice, also. I know you'll find the perfect thing.

  7. I like the way the center seems to burst outward toward the darker green corners. I'm sure you can recreate the spirit of that print in a scale and shape that you will like better.

  8. Your spring CQ is stunning Allie! I love it! Can't wait to see what you come up for the center.

  9. Fantastic! I love the print you will put in the middle and I am always amazed from your colors!

  10. I love the term "audition" applied to trying out floral centers. I love that print too, but it's too busy, I think. You will come up with something wonderful from your own garden, I'm sure - and in better scale for the quilt. Watching that, for me, is as entertaining as the embellishments.

  11. Amazing. Without the floral print in the center, it glows. Light coming out of darkness. Enlightenment. I'll be watching each step.

  12. Althought I admire your skills, I admit I was not too fond of this piece when I saw the first pictures. But now I love it, the balance of colors did it.

  13. Allie this just blows me away ... such a wonderful orderly drift of colours ... & don't those little wee corners you are putting in just look so good finishing off the arch so beautifully.
    I wish I had your kindergarden level Photoshop skills cause that is such a great way to see what you really want in the middle of your quilt ... 'tis no good me saying if what you have picked is good or not as it becomes a feeling you have inside of you isn't it? you will know what is just right when you find it - what do they say 'the light will go on' ...
    Will you hand stitch it before you put the centre peice in or should it go in first??? ... still on that steep learning curve here ... ha ha
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful inspirations - I just love popping over to see what you have accomplished every couple of days ... OOroo ... Bethel

  14. Looks Great Allie! Love the flow of the colors.

  15. How beautiful!!! As always:)

  16. Allie this is the prettiest one so far..........Flowers are the heart of spring and I am sure you will come up with a magnificent centre.

  17. Hello Allie, Your CQ is looking so wonderful and the bouquet of flowers are perfect. Hugs Judy

  18. I found your blog through Appunti Patch (Linda). Oh My!! Your CQ is gorgeous. I look forward to seeing more!!

  19. Will you loose the "inner light" when you do the floral? That faction of it is just really singing right now!

    What about auditioning some broidery perse pieces from this arrangemen? You could still print those, maybe slightly enlarge them? Dunno, just brainstorming. (VERY easy to do on someone else's piece, lol.)

    Just lovely.

  20. Wow! yes, by all means use the floral arrangement. It's exquisite. Always inspiring to see what you're up to!

  21. Maravilloso la transformaciones que realizas y la facilidad que tienes en la elección de colores.


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