
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Spring CQ...Helianthemum

I love the saturation and delicate coloring of the little helianthemum (Helianthemum Nummularium) blooms...

In setting out to put a version of them on my quilt, I knew I would be taking a leap into a brighter intensity of color than what I've used before in this piece, and that this would start altering the composition of my quilt. But after warming up on those less obtrusive flowers, I was ready.
It is all part of the plan....scary to jump in, though!

You can see the two blooms I picked to bring inside while coloring my lace flowers. I am using Tsukineko ink for this.

Here is a real bloom next to the textile one going on. That's Edmar rayon thread in the stamens.

Fast they are all sewn on. That is ribbon from Riversilks in the leaves. Great really doesn't run while being stitched!

And here it is in place on the quilt, in the lower left quadrant.

I want to balance out the Dame's Rocket, which is along the right edge of the quilt, with some Siberian Iris (Iris sibirica) along the left side.

If the #$%^& sun would ever come out, these blooms would pop open in no time. But I kind of like the idea of putting some buds on the quilt...they always suggest growth. These make a nice vertical element, too...and will go on next.

As a parting shot for this post, I want to share some garden art that my son Chad made in "clay class" this year; high school graduation requirements necessitated that my art-phobic son take one studio fine art class, so pottery it was.
Are you ready for his final project?

Yes, it is a snail, though to me it is just like the slugs that cause us grief around here.
Please note the tattoo along the side of the head, and if you look closely, the Frankenstein-like scar at the neck.
When he presented this to me I was understandably speechless...finally I stammered, "It'', Chad..."
"I know, Mom, it's really ugly. But it's cool."
"It's sure.............something..." my voice trailed off in wonder.....

But now it has pride of place guarding the broccoli.


  1. LOL save that snail - in 25 or 30 years you will LOVE it - and his children will no doubt be amused. I have a fine new package of River Silks 7mm ribbon - I'm wondering if those inks would work on it, as I want to color the centers of flowers a bit.

  2. NICE!! I think you put your latest flowers in the perfect spot!!

    Ohhh...that snail SO reminds me of something my brother would do!!! LOL If you gotta do mine-as-well make it fun....hehe

  3. I also laughed about the snail. And those brighter flowers blend beautifully where you put them.

  4. What a great present today to see those flowers go up on your quilt! I just bought some of the Tsukineko inks -- am I right in assuming that you are using the little amount that is trapped in the lid for your painting or do you just dip the brush??

  5. Guess I'll try overnighting some sun to you for your day tomorrow!
    I love how you brought the brighter color of the flowers down to the darker area. You have such a great way of transitioning one block to the next! Will the "snail" be making it on to your quilt in any shape or form? Too cute...

  6. That snail should scare the real snails away, so perhaps he's a very useful gift after all.

    Great flowers. I love that pop of bright color.

  7. just checking in......lookin' good!!! love seester

  8. You've really captured the colors in the blossoms, Allie. I'd love to see this in person, it must just sing!!

  9. Oh, and that snail is just way too cute!! LOL!

  10. Let me know if the snail works at keeping the slugs away....perhaps your son could go into business? Sons are amazing...ours cast his wisdom teeth (after removal) into a paperweight! No telling what they'll come up with, eh? I'd tried to find Dame Rocket at our local luck. A friend gave me some scarlet runner bean seeds. Have you ever grown them?

  11. The snail is Priceless! LOL! Very funny story.

    I also not only love the Helianthemum Nummularium, I love the name! WoW!

  12. Maybe that snail will scare off the other snails that go marauding through your garden at night. Tell Chad it is VERY cool.


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