
Monday, May 26, 2008

Spring CQ...Dogwood and Chives

The night before last it rained hard....and the pink dogwood tree, which was about done blooming, shed its petals....

...all over my car (a '98 Subaru Outback wagon, the best car I've ever owned).
I figured I had better get those dogwood flowers on my quilt, and fast!

Those pink petal beads were made to become dogwood flowers, don't you think?

Here is a detail.
I purchased these luscious pink petal beads from The Raven Store at a bead show. They may not have these particular beads right now, but they have loads of wonderful pressed Czech glass beads and buttons, and their prices are terrific.

Here is one of the little clumps of chives...

They actually look more like clover to me.

And here is the whole quilt as of yesterday...

As you can see, I have settled on the shape for the center...mocked up in freezer paper at the moment.
My DH, Robert, has his own ideas of what should go in the center....

He never lets me take my work too seriously, as you can see. And thank you, Susan, for your very special input here....*wink!*

Next up....My Dame's Rocket is blooming...I planted it last year, inspired by Judith in England, the Threadspider. It does smell sweet...

Now where and how will that go on?.....

*Gail asked what the Latin name for cornflower is....Centaurea Cyanus...find it here.*

...and a blessed Memorial Day to you all....we do remember and so deeply honor our soldiers....


  1. What a thrill to see those beautiful dogwood blooms on my painted fabric! That made my day!

  2. I love the way you're adding the real flowers in your garden as they bloom. That has to make this quilt special in the years to come.
    I have Dame's Rocket too. (My mother calls it Sweet Rocket.) Did you know it's a biennial? Although I do end up with some blooming every year, this is a small crop year for me.

  3. I love how the flowers landed on the ground and on the quilt at about the same time. I also notice that those corners are looking lusher and lusher...

  4. Your Spring CQ is coming along beautifully. The picture of Robert is different on Bloglines than on your blog; I about jumped out of my seat--I love how the flower LANDED there. Hee hee.

  5. Rian, Susan Elliot photoshopped the original photo to add the flower and emailed it to me...I about died laughing, and had to make the swap.

  6. You gotta love a guy with a sense of humor. I think he's a great embellishment. Oh, the dogwood and chives are also terrific.

  7. Allie, your dogwood leaves are inspired, and I love the chives! CHIVES! I've got them in my garden and never even gave their blooms a second glance. You're teaching me to not only look, but SEE! And tell Robert he matches the quilt fine except he'll have to put on a different color shirt, LOL.

  8. I love the Robert embellishment on the quilt-oh and those perfect dogwood petals! Glad the Rocket flowers have bloomed-perhaps now we should try crossing your purple ones with my white? : )

  9. LOL! What a hoot!

    The other day I was in such a concentration that when Wes came home, I literally drug him into the studio for a look. He gave me a look alright! and then told me I needed to seriously lighten up, I was getting way too intense!

    Good thing we have these fellas for some balance in our lives!

    Love your work here. Was thinking how the idea would work in Houston and decided it wouldn't--we don't have these great gradual seasons. My quilt would be a big red patch of hotness!

  10. He looks like a fun guy!

    The quilt is coming along gorgeously. Those dogwoods are BEAUTIFUL!

  11. Thank you Allie for the botanical name of your cornflower. Sure makes a difference. Love what your doing on the spring quilt. Your work is always inspiring.

  12. Whats up with hubbies...they think it's all about them! Love the flower detail. Adds a sense of balance to the otherwise off balanced centerpiece!


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