
Friday, April 18, 2008

The Home in the Garden, Embroidery Completed

This was so much fun to do, I heartily encourage you to try it!
I know that garden so well that in some cases just a few little stitches were added to help "define" the plants, and I knew just where they should go. Plants include perennial sweet pea, santolina, sage, rosemary, borage and Veronica Blue annual salvia, nicotiana, daisies, lavender, and roses.
I did not use a hoop, but I did interface the cotton print with some woven fusible interfacing before I started stitching. I think this helped reduce "shrinkage" due to the stitching.

Now I am going to make the crazy quilt frame that is going to surround this image...


  1. I really feel you could walk into this picture - it is beautiful - maureen x

  2. Gorgeous! A perfect garden and so nice to see after such a long winter.

  3. A beautiful piece! I imagine that it must be very striking to see "in person." It certainly makes a lovely photo.

  4. Wow, nice! I clicked on it to enlarge to see where the stitching is - I love the leaves that hang over the picture (in the foreground)! And the flowers! And the color! and the Blue Sky!! Oh, when will the sun shine again??? It makes me want to garden NOW.

  5. WOWOWOWOW! It looks so realistic. Great colors too. Nice work.

  6. Whoa... it's so very lifelike. I feel like I can just step into the picture! You have such a wonderful way with landscapes, my friend!

  7. I've been lurking here for awhile, but I just had to tell you how gorgeous I think this is! I have been admiring all of your work, but the process of making this picture has been fascinating to me. Thank you for explaining how you've gone about it. It's just wonderful.

  8. It's absolutely stunning, I love it!

  9. It look so real! Its just delightful - amazing actually. LOL.

    Even with the 'close up' it's diffult to tell it's not a photo.


  10. I am loving this piece. You really have the knack for knowing just what stitching to use to make the piece realistic looking. Fantastic!

  11. Oh Alison! This is so lovely. It makes me wish I were Mary Poppins and I could jump right into the picture to be in this garden. If I close my eyes I can here the gentle hum of insects and smell the flowers.

  12. Very beautiful! It makes me want to make one of my house...but first I would have to clean up the landscaping.

  13. What else is there to say?? Just as lovely as any of your work!

  14.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT is just gorgeous!! I thought it was a photograph until I saw the close-up. STUNNING work!!

    I don't know how to do needlepoint. I am an avid cross-stitcher, but you're making me want to try needlepoint too now! lol

    Lovely...just lovely!!



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