
Monday, April 7, 2008

Embellisher Experiment #8, Finished

I went out on a limb with the frame for this piece.
I am very slow to pick up on the myriad of new materials textile bloggers are using (Stephanie Novatski is a great example of a fearless and experimental artist in this regard)...but I bit the bullet and decided to try out some angelina in the frame's inner border.
I'm going to stretch this over foam core, so it is technically not finished, but my work on it is done....I think.

The angelina is warm and glittery, and overall I like it. It just doesn't quite seem finished, somehow. Maybe it needs a little more stitching on it.
I will let it rest for now, as I am out of foam core anyway...

I have so appreciated your kind comments as this piece progressed. Thank you so much!


  1. Nice finish, Allie. That angelina stuff is surely interesting! The green chain stitch ties it altogether, IMHO.

    So, how's your random knitting project coming?

  2. Those trees are just amazing! I kind of like the way the angelina is wisping out of the frame a bit -- kind of gives the impression of the wind blowing the blossoms. As always, your work amazes me!

  3. oh this is fabulous! I love it!!!

  4. Absolutely fabulous! I like the touch of Angelina.

  5. Once again you have left us all in utter amazement of your fabulous talent!!! You are truly an inspiration.

  6. Oooh! Oooh! I LOVE that frame!

  7. This is just lovely to look, like spring is not only outside, but also inside your home!

  8. Great idea, Allie. But I'm betting you are not finished, as you suggest.

    What will you do with it after stretching it over foam core? I ask because I'm thinking about how to finish the piece I'm working on.


  9. Beautiful - what do you do with all your finished projects - do you sell them?

  10. Love that frame fabric, Allie. The angelina is lovely but, I, too, think it needs just a bit of stitching. Not much, just a bit. It seems kinda lonely without any! ;0)

  11. Wow, it is beautiful and so different from your previous work. Love it.

  12. I've been watching this piece as you have "built" it! Its wonderful! I love the sunset (of course....LOL!) and the trees are sensational! Great work!

  13. Ohh myyy Allie this is so stunning ... so peaceful looking - love the border plus the material border ... will we see much of it once it's framed? thanks for sharing ... OOroo ... Bethel

  14. This turned out lovely, Allie! Are your own trees still blooming or is your Spring past that point in the Northwest?

  15. Very beautifull. It is fabulous. I Love it. Congratulations. Odile

  16. I think this is beautiful, I love the colours they are so warm and inviting, you just get totally drawn into the scene.


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