
Monday, March 24, 2008

Waste Canvas Block

I am writing a book review of Pam Kellogg's ebook, Elegant Crazy Quilt Seam Treatments, for the upcoming issue of CQMagOnline. So to help myself burrow into the contents of the book, I am using it to create the embellishments on a block, doing a test drive, as it were.

I pieced the block using straight seams to accommodate Pam's charted designs. She says she is working on a way to adapt some of them to curved seams, which I am eagerly waiting for. Of course, these designs can be used on gentle curves as is, but for my review I want to use the book the way it is intended.
This block is also doing dual duty, as it will become a present for my friend, KT, as well. ;-)
Those are some of my floral letters and flower fabric framing them. I sure love using my flower helps fight the effects of the omnipresent gray skies around here.

Here is the block so far.
This kind of work is really satisfying; the math and counting remind me of my early attempts to read music, massaging a part of my brain I don't use often enough!
I can't wait, though, til all the stitching is on the block, so I can start adding the beads and sequins to the can click on Pam's blog to see how she does that, too.


  1. Gorgeous colors - and I like the seam treatments. I am a math person, myself, and enjoy this sort of thing as well as admiring it. Curved seams aren't easy - I'm working on that myself in needlepoint for the lace.

  2. Hi Allie,

    I love your flower create them? How? Nice colors on this're right anything to dispell the gloom. Was your Easter morning as wet as ours?

    I'll be interested to read your review as I've been thinking about purchasing this book. Thanks!

  3. Very pretty bare block, and your early stitches are looking wonderful. I really like the feather stitched one.

  4. Very pretty Allie. I don't know the names of the stitches, but the one with the pink and green and white is especially striking.

  5. Lu-uve the colors on this one, Allie. Great way to review a book!

  6. Allie,
    Your work is stunning as always. I have thousands of things to learn more from your amazing works...
    I have this mentioned book too. It is a great source, indeed.
    Much Love,

  7. Is it possible to tell me more about this waste canvas technique? I don't get it and I don't want to buy the book not understanding what it is. The stitches are just fabulous!


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