
Sunday, March 9, 2008

Garden Labor!

60 degree days and sunshine!!!!
I've been edging and enlarging the beds in my perennial garden. It feels so good to be out there digging in the dirt.

Defining the new borders of the beds was really the easy part. Now I have to go back and break up all that sod and work in some manure, too.
This view is looking towards the southeast.

And this is looking northwest.

And here is the composted manure pile, brought by our neighbor. This is to be worked into my expanded beds, once they have all been forked up.
I feel like the girl in "Rumplestiltskin" who must spin the whole room of straw into gold...except the whole manure pile must be spun into flowers....

But on days like this, it is all good!

I am almost finished with Embellisher Experiment #6. I'll post that tomorrow....I think my back is going to need a break anyway....!


  1. Ummm...we had sunshine today, BUT that came after we had more than 12 inches of snow in the past 24 hours. Wanna share?

  2. Hi Allie,

    What a difference a few miles make! We have lots of signs of spring here but no temps as high as yours. We were just in Spokane, and there are still piles of snow there and on the pass! It's not all that cold, but it takes time to melt all that snow, I guess. Somewhere I read that the pass has had more snow this year than for the past 50!

  3. That's a lot of digging! We had nice weather here too today, and boy, does my garden need work, but I did grocery shopping and graded papers instead :-( I hope the weather will cooperate when I'm ready to dig.

  4. You and that manure are going to work the magic of the genie in that garden! I can't believe how different these pictures are to the ones you posted last summer.

    Isn't it great to be outside again after the winter?

  5. I love the analogy! What a beautiful site for gardens and digging! May we look forward to mandalas again this year?? It's pouring rain in Austin today - watering all the flowers we planted yesterday.

  6. I don't know whether to envy you or not. I would love to see some spring-like weather, but all that digging--no thanks. But you enjoy while you can; looks like clouds coming in.

  7. Well Allie, what is prettier? Your garden or your latest landscape project? I am horribly jealous of your lovely weather and ability to dig in the ground. We are completely frozen solid and I won't be able to dig for weeks yet. I'm coming right over, I'll even bring the tea and some crazy quilt stash!

  8. Oh man, that looks like a LOT of work! But it will be beautiful come summer.


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