
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Esther Embellishes!

I live with guys, and have for decades, two sons and a dear husband. The cat is my only female ally up here on the hill where we live.
But lo and behold, my son has a girlfriend who loves to work with fiber!!! Glory be!
We had some time together this afternoon in my sewing room.

Here is Esther quite involved with the Embellisher.
I had set out a bunch of materials for her to work with--especially some soy fiber, as she is vegan and prefers not to work with silk or wool--and turned her loose, tactfully absenting myself for the first hour so she could play with no one looking over her shoulder.

When her base composition was done, she asked if she could try some stitching.
Are you kidding?
Here she is picking out some threads....

Exploring and adding detail....

Here is her creation up to now...she tried some new stitches, added some that her mom had taught her as a child...we told stories as we worked, whiled away some nice time together....

And now she is in the kitchen cooking dinner with my son!
Pinch me, someone!


  1. Clone that girl and send her my way - I have three daughters-in-law and nobody has any interest in stitching of any kind. I do have one unattached son, tho, so there's still hope. The pictures are delightful - so glad you're enjoying the visit. what a pleasure!

  2. Sounds like your son has good taste! Have a great time in Portland....I love to shop there!

  3. What fun! Your son has done good, bringing you a girl who's fiber-friendly. Enjoy having your apprentice around.

  4. Allie,
    This is great news for your close relationship with this young lady.
    I just recalled a book "Quilter's Apprentice" that I read recently:))

  5. Enjoy this young lady! Somehow, it indicates that your son like fibers too...

  6. How cool it that! I hope he doesn't break up wit her because you would compare any other girfriends to Esther!

  7. Put her on a plane to England please, she sounds wonderful!! - maureen x

  8. Ah... now there's a son who's looking out for his mom's interests! ;0) Well, it is a nice thought!

    I did a bunch of beading with my daughter-in-law at Thanksgiving and it was so much fun. It was great to finally have a girl to do something with!

  9. OOOOO That is Awesome!!! I am so happy for you. And she is beautiful too!!! Your son has fabulous taste. I agree with the first comment. She needs to clone herself. LOL I am so happy for you.

  10. Allie, I have a 19 year old son. Does this girl have a sister?

  11. I've spent most of my life in mostly-male households, too, so know what you mean about enjoying some of that female energy. Fun, fun.

  12. :) It is hardly surprising that your son has partnered with a sweetie...pretty special that they BOTH come for week long visits. And what luck for Esther to be welcomed into the Aller family...and that sewing room! Good gracious, it is a vibrant treasure box...complete with tutorials!

  13. How wonderful for you! And isn't she pretty.

  14. Ohhh Allie do so enjoy her company as you don't always get that lucky - I know from experience ... and sadly my girls aren't all that interested in any handcrafts either - you know, they like what you do but don't have/make the patience/time. OOroo ... B


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