
Monday, March 31, 2008

Embellisher Experiment #8, continued: Trees

I literally just looked up from the embellisher and out the window to get inspiration for the next step in this experiment. Yesterday's basic hillsides were meant to be covered by a couple of trees in the foreground...

I started with this sort of flimsy knitable "ribbon". I think it is felted on like a breeze.

On the left of the picture you can see the variegated woolen yarn I used for the smaller branches.

And now I am adding some apple blossoms out of 4mm ribbon from Riversilks. There will no doubt be some out of season flowers added in the foreground before this is all over!


  1. Mmm-apple blossom. You certainly have the touch with the embellisher, Allie. Looks like so much fun.And so full of the promise of Spring.

  2. This may sound like a silly question from some but what is an embellisher? Your work is lovely and I enjoy reading your blog.

  3. What a difference from yesterday, it's looking good!no it's looking fabulous - maureen x

  4. This is lovely, and you make it look so easy. A beautiful spring picture.

  5. Ooooooooo. Lovely! Nice to see more of your landscapes Allie!

  6. What a clever way to show the changing of the seasons. You could have a whole series of little pieces that show the view from your window and even use them as CQ blocks for a much larger piece. Very nice work!

  7. That sky is ethereal. It looks like layers of translucent tissue paper. Apple blossoms--what a cool idea.

  8. Gosh, your trees are amazing and changing so much this landscape! Really beautiful.

  9. So cool to see the landscape develope! Lovely sunset!


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