
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Embellisher Experiment #7, Felted Background...and Take it Further, March

This is also going to count as my Take it Further challenge for March. Noticing the little things...

I love to make fresh flower collages and then photograph them...old time blog readers remember this from last year I am sure. Well, yesterday marked the beginning of the flower season for 2008!
I thought it would be fun to use the Embellisher to help create the background fabric that I would lay my flowers out on. The printed fabric image from the resultant photograph will in turn become the center of a small crazy quilt. (I can't stay away from CQing for very long.)

The TIF concept came into play yesterday as I hunted the yard for blooms, and noticed the tiniest signs of growth everywhere. From the delicate fronding on the moss to some wee spider egg cocoons at the base of a forsythia flower...there were tiny miracles everywhere that gave me big thrills!

I started with some plain muslin, painting it with Tsukineko inks.

Then I started laying down some silk and merino fibers with the embellisher.

After all the fibers were swirled on there (also a few shreds of sheer silk), I laid out the lace I wanted to include. I just pinned that in place, though, as I will want to reuse it elsewhere.

Then I went out into the cool gray morning and found riches in the tiniest details!

So here we have hellebore, primula, forsythia, miniature and large sized daffodils, violets, grape hyacinth, some tiny pink flowers I don't know the name of, and the humble vinca...with two kinds of moss tucked in the corners. The spider egg cocoons are the three little white dots you see along the left edge, right in the center.
There is going to be lettering applied in the central blue space...

This was printed on cotton sateen from Dharma....and is for Easter, of course.... ;-)

Now to get piecing!


  1. Allie, I bought an embellisher yesterday and found your blog today. You have given me ideas and inspiration! I have made several tiny crazy quilts since yesterday and am now embellishing them. This afternoon I will start dragging out all the old torn or stained embroidered linens that I have salvaged from flea markets, and some paints, and make a big mess! Whee!
    Donna J

  2. Whew! I'm relieved to hear that CQ is still in your blood! This looks promising and interesting and beautiful! Aren't the tiny details wonderful - I'm off to find some of those myself, as it's a gorgeous day in Austin.

  3. Look at those spring flowers! This will be lovely. Those little ants on the top of your blog would be good as a small thing. I've been meaning to mention them for a long time.

  4. This is looking really interesting - looking forward to seeing the finished article - it will be lovely I'm sure - maureen x

  5. The flower collages you do are gorgeous...Your garden must be amazing. I agree with Kay about the ants (in both respects) - i love them.

  6. That's a fabulous photo, Allie! I love the way you arranged all the flowers. (Can't believe how much stuff you have in bloom, not so many miles are way ahead of us!) I will be anxious to see your pieced block as it's bound to be beautiful

  7. You certainly have taken to your embellisher. I am loving what you are doing. Thanks so much for sharing your processes with us.

  8. That is so beautiful. I'm amazed at what you are doing as you combine various techniques into something totally new and gorgeous!

  9. You are giving your embellisher a real workout! Nice to see your studies and your successes. Very excellent work (as usual!)

  10. This is wonderful, Allie... it just sings of Spring and rebirth. Perfect for Easter!

  11. You are just blowin' me away, girl! You are having way too much fun there!!! I want to follow you around for a day...okay, a week.

  12. I love these flowers!

    Neat process - paint with dyes - then paint with fibers... cool! This is going to be wonderful!

    YOu make me want an embellisher...

  13. Hi Allie, I'm new to your blog and found this process of printingon the satin intreaging. How did you print on the fabric? Did you use a laser jet or something else?


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