
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sewing Room Clean-Up

Since Tuesday morning I have been engaged in literally emptying out my sewing room, cleaning all the surfaces, reorganizing my stash, books, etc, weeding out the no-longer EVER to be used items...dragging some of that to the burn pile, running other stuff downstairs....
Dang, it was exhausting!
But I am so proud of my work I have to show you....

Believe it or not, this was toward the end of the process. I decided to dump all my crazy quilt fabrics (the cottons are another issue) and re-sort them according to color...not by fabric type, as I had had them before.

I did not bother folding them, as I always just dig through the bins when I am piecing anyway, and they always end up looking like this. But I did get reacquainted with everything I have, so I have a refreshed mental map of my stash.
I told my husband, "I am never buying fabric again!" and he said, "Can I get you to record that statement?"

Here the bins are stowed. To May the Cat this was all very exciting activity.

Now isn't this inviting?
The books are all my beading, ribbonwork, embroidery, and crazy quilt books...a ton of quilting books got moved into the guest room (formerly Max's room. Putting my stuff in there I think makes it official that it is not really his room anymore. But he's moved out anyway so it's all good...) The drawer bins have my crazy quilt scraps...those little pieces that are IMPORTANT and are sorted by color as well. On the right are buttons, patterns, inkjet printing supplies....There is a ton of machine thread in a big box below the books. You can tell I don't use that stuff like I used to. Up above are the hand-stitching thread bins and bead drawers; lace, trims and more threads up top. New supplies awaiting my attention are on top of the scrap drawers...

Art supplies, journal and CD stash, dolls, current correspondence....

And look what I found wedged behind a cabinet....Oh dear.....

So now I can breathe in here. The floors and table tops are bare and clean, just waiting for experiment #4 on the embellisher.

This is where I sit and do my handwork...and blog to you all, too! The embellisher now has its very own corner.

On the other side of the room is my old drafting table that now serves as my machine piecing/ironing area. That pile of fleece in the corner of the table is where May sleeps when she feels like keeping me company. It is the best spot in the whole house.
How do cats do that?

Before I start anything new though, I want to finish up my "Spring" piece...I can't quite leave it alone.

I just want to sharpen it up a little bit...I've added some beads and stitching so far...

After all this cleaning I think I deserve a mocha from the Washougal Coffee Corner, don't you? And I don't mean non-fat, and I do mean add the whipped cream....

May can hold down the fort while I'm gone.


  1. LOL! "never going to buy fabric again"???? that's like my saying I'll never buy any more beads or silk threads. I envy that view - thinking about what I will produce when I have a studio/panorama of the Gulf with pelicans and sea gulls and pine trees and magnolias.

  2. There must be something in the air as we all seem to be on a mission to sort out our workspaces!! :)

  3. I'm in awe of what you might achieve now you've cleared your clutter! It's a great feeling, Spring cleaning.

  4. Hi Allie, Ditto, it's that time of the year for fresh things. I'd love to be a little mouse and peak through your tubs and containers. But then again, May would get me! Enjoy your "new" space. PS Love the Spring piece.

  5. Wow, I need to follow your lead and start cleaning up my space, a bedroom whose bed seems to have disappeared......

    Love your kitty....she looks like distant kin to our Ginger!

    And best of all your "No more fabric buying" DH just laughs and says, "Yeah, right!" Then there's the yarn, cross stitch, etc. Oh my!

    That's a great block you're working on and it does seem like spring is coming to this corner of the map!

  6. How maind-clearing it is to have un-cluttered surfaces on which to work. I always like working in a clean sewing room the best.

    I'm sure it's very touchy to move into an ex-kid room, but how glorious to have the extra space. It sounds like you're very sure Max doesn't want his room any more, whch I'm sure makes it easier.

  7. Spring does seem to bring out the "cleaning" bug doesn't it? I, too, am trying! Oh, I would just think I had died and gone to heaven to have the scenery out of your window as I stitched. Thanks for your suggestions regarding the youth - appreciate the input and encouraging words. You are a sweetie!

  8. LOL! I am so amazed with all your stuff. Jealous? Nah, just drooling. hehe. And what a great post that was able to help us all have a better view of your life- makes me feel like your a little more like CQing sister, instead of someone somewhere out there in cyberspace that embroiders beautifully.

  9. ah spring is in the air! what a maga sort out... and such good great results having those boxes ready to dip into. I love the space you have by the window... so much lovely light

  10. O-o-o-o-o-o-o! Doesn't it feel GOOD?
    Looks great!

  11. Whoa! That was a formidable pile! You did a great job, wow, I'm really impressed. I chuckled at the Feng Shui book picture...I have a couple Karen Kingston books--she's great. Karen sez you will be much more creative and energetic in your studio now that your sacred space is cleared!

    Right on!

  12. Oh my - can I come live in your sewing room pleeeeeese!?

    Although, after I start checking out all your fabric, it may look like the before picture again :)

  13. Quite a stash you've got there, Miss Allie! You did a great job of getting it all organized. It's nice, isn't it, to stand back and look at a nice clean studio? Then, of course, you jump right in and sew like crazy! ;0)

    I need to do the same thing in my sewing room, but I think it is going to have to wait awhile... this weekend is for gardening before it gets too hot!

  14. Looks wonderful--as I always say when I see someone's newly organized space, "I should do that".

  15. I'm sure you didn't succumb to the offer to record that statement - I can't imagine that would be healthy, never buying fabric again! I like the new way of organizing your fabrics, though.

  16. You have a nice big area for your creativity. I need to do some spring cleaning too.

  17. Wow, doesn't it feel good when you get things organized like that? And it looks so good. Great place to be creative! Your studio cat seems to like it a lot.

  18. LOL Allie wasn't it you who said you liked your stash - when I spoke of a stash clean out on my blog

    no seriously I find I need to have things clear in order to focus on what I want to do - your room looks great


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