
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

May we all give and receive extra amounts of this today!


  1. I'll raise a glass to that! Have a splendid day.

  2. And hearts to you also. funny - I was thinking about your floral mandalas this morning, and looking forward to what blooms in your garden in a few months!! (and in your mind)

  3. HAPPY VALENTINE DAY, Allie. I have been seeing your blog and wanted to write a long post and that's why kept postponing it. First of all I am happy that you are having fun and meeting a lot of friends in the retreat. Thanks for postig their work. They are fabulous and you are lucky to have met those ladies. I love your little rebellious Girl school quilt. It is never too late to raise your true voice ;) and I also like your more traditional beautifully hand embroidered small piece. Great job. So many quilts you posted are inspiring, and I would like to do some for myself. Keep posting and keep quilting. with warm wishes,

  4. Happy Valentine's Day, Miss Allie! Love it!

  5. Another of your lovely flower compositions! Hope your day was great.

  6. Thanks for the Valentines wishes, back at you (even though I am a day late). Looking at your photo really puts spring to the forefront of my mind. I am anxious to see where your flower/garden images take you this year and what lovely things you will come up with!

  7. Hi Allison - a great wreath! I've tagged you. If you're interested in playing along, please see my quilting blog for the rules. Hope you have a great weekend.


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