
Monday, January 14, 2008

TIF Day 7: Nora

Yes, CQMagOnline's retired editor Nora Creeach is the object of my admiration! She tirelessly promoted crazy quilting via her work on the magazine (without pay) for many years; she also has faced health difficulties with great courage and humor. She's been a real inspiration to me.
Nora, you are the best!

I finished the fourth side of my CQ pieced border...

Say goodbye to that white inner border because by tomorrow it will be histoire. It has bugged me all along, but I've had plans for it, and you will see!

I used 15 count waste canvas, and a double strand of the Kreinik Silk Bella thread to spell out Nora's name. (I kept the value of the letters close to the value of the background fabric, as I wanted it to be subtle, not jumping out at the viewer first thing.) That thread is wonderful...but I will never used it doubled in waste canvas again. What a hassle!!!!
Single strand would have meant fainter letters, but the stitching wouldn't be so cramped and wonky. Plus the tangling on the back would have been far less.

But that's not all I did today....

Here is my longtime photographer, the fabulous Bill Bachhuber of Portland, Oregon, lining up a detail shot of the H quilt. Bill is sooooo good at what he does!

Had a great time with Robert's side of the family in LA over the week-end, with the birthday "boy" doing so well at 85.
Wish I had had my camera for the lovely sunset walk along Manhattan Beach that my sweetie and I took!....But as always, no matter how long or short a time I am away, it is always so great to get home.


  1. For some reason the richness of the colors in the H quilt show up beautifully in that picture. What a wonderful work! I especially like the green stitches in that new border.

  2. Looks like what I did last week having my Crazy 'Bout Rodeos photographed. I am sure big things are in store for your H quilt!

  3. As always, I am in awe of your patience and your skill in embellishing your crazy quilts. Such fun!

  4. What a great tribute to Nora. I'm sure she's honored.

  5. Visited your blog for the first time. it is beautiful. Thanks.

  6. O it was beautiful weather in LA last weekend, was it not.

    Can't wait to see what you do with that white border...

    I agree with Debra, exciting things are ahead for "H" quilt.

  7. Allison,
    I just saw your "N" block today at the "Treehouse"stitching group that Nora sitll comes to. It is beautiful, and I want to stitch as beautifully as you do when I grow up.



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