
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Take It Further...January, Day 2

Yay, I FINALLY got a great print the very first time around on my fabric for my N!
I used:
*PPFD (prepared for dyeing) cotton sateen from Dharma Trading, pre-soaked in Bubble Jet Set, then ironed onto a full page label. The label paper guarantees smooth passage of my fabric through the printer.
*My new (used) Epson R1800 printer, set to Best Photo, Ultra Matte Presentation.

Even though you don't need to pre-treat fabric when printing with pigment based inks, such as the Epson uses, it helps to and here is why...the chemical coats the fiber molecules just a little bit, so that keeps the ink from dispersing quite as much as it normally would; hence the crisper image. I think the colors end up more vibrant as well.

The design challenges are about how to showcase the flowered letter without competing with it. The controlled palette helps, and also keeping a lid on abrupt changes in value within the frame, shading the darker patches toward the outside edges.
What kind of stitching to use will of course be the next big question.

It is so great to be working with green again! The "H" quilt had almost no green at all in it.


And now for those who Make My Day when it comes time to reading blogs. I have thought a lot about this, and I must say that I love the friendship aspect of blogging most of all. The artistic inspiration I see and read about is a close second, but matters of the heart count first every time.
Debra, Rian, Barbara C, Marty, Judith, Judy, Fran, Kay, JoWynn, Sharon, Pam, Julie, Susan, Vicki, Vero, Rengin, Robin, Sonji, Pat, and now my other Barbara B all are incredibly dear to me, and You All Make My Day.
There are other new friendships forming too as a natural development of our widening web of connections. If I forgot anyone it is because I am an airhead and not because I don't think the world of you, too!

Thank you so much for adding such richness to my life!!!


  1. and thank you too for being there - and for introducing me to so many fine and talented new "friends" whose work inspires and motivates and teaches me - with whom to share creativity and other adventures. Isn't the internet wonderful????!!!!

  2. You're making those colors look good! (I noticed you're going brighter--I will too.) And thank you, Allie; you make my day too.

  3. Thank you for including me Allie - what a sweet thing to do. I loved seeing your enthusiasm for blogging while we were at market. I think you and Julie both played a big part in influencing me. I must say I'm enjoying it. Thanks again!

  4. Thank you Allie for being there. I've learnt a great deal from you, when we first met in swaps, and even more in the blogsphere. You are very inspiring, and it is a pleasure to discover your posts.

    Talking of post, your TIF project is really beautiful. Thanks for the hint about placing colors.

  5. Your TIF project is amazing so far - it's going to be gorgeous when it's finished. I'm glad to see the colors are a little more vibrant than the original scheme. The vibrant ones go really well with the flowered "N" - very "springy"! Can't wait to see the finished project (and I'll enjoy watching it develop!)

  6. Well, thank you for including me in your list. You make my day too with your creative inspiration and your soulful outlook on life.

    You may be glad to be working with green again, but that lavender brocade really catches my eye. I hardly ever work with purples for some reason.

  7. Thanks bunches, Allie! I'm tickled to be in such august company.

    This "N" is really working... I love the way the patches flow away from the center. Cool.

  8. I think green and purple are the very best colors in the world together, so I love this piece. That's a pretty lace you show with it, too. My favorite spot is on the left where that bamboo looking purple piece is. =) This seems lighter and airier than the H piece, so I know you will enjoy working on it.

  9. Allie-you are such a sweetie. I seldom read a post of yours when I haven't been smiling by the end or inspired or both. You make my day!
    Hey-I'm getting to show someone new how to crazy quilt this week-going to use that block pattern of yours from last summer.

  10. Thanks for giving the instructions for how you achieved this scrumptious N. An Epson printer is getting higher and higher on my wish list.
    I am so honored to be on your "You make my day" list. I admire your talent so much and I love the sweet, caring you. Your blog has introduced me to such interesting creative people.

  11. Aww, shucks. It is I who should be thanking YOU!

    Thank you muches.

  12. OK - question answered!


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