
Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Lure of Waste Canvas...TIF Day 5

The Take It Further Challenge is off to a great start across the web. If this is new to you, do check out Sharon Boggon's blog that explains what is going on. She is the fabulous instigator of all this purple and green activity!

My experience with using waste canvas for the lettering of my "H" quilt was so enjoyable to me that I wanted to try it out again on this month's challenge. I used one charted lace pattern--in teeny tiny 18 count--generously supplied to me by needlepoint designer friend, Judy Harper. (You can see more of her elaborate charted lace here; Judy gave me a beginner pattern to start with.)
I also used large-holed waste canvas to try out one of the cross stitch based seam treatments in Joan Waldman's book. No way would my large X's be even without some help.

This is the canvas basted into place with the stitching completed.

The canvas has been removed. You can see that the yellow cross-stitched pattern below took a lot more work. Very dainty; it looks like a trim.

Here is a shot of the completed second side....

....and an overall view of the N at the halfway point (along with some of my gorgeous stash of Kreinik threads).
There is a fan in its future.....


  1. Absolutely beautiful! I can't wait to see the finished piece.

  2. As rich as a summer twilight. Gorgeous, gorgeous work.

  3. Very pretty! You will be done before I even get mine to the halfway point!

  4. Now I understand waste canvas. I'm in awe of how meticulous and painstaking you are. And this is lovely; I like the way you're tweaking that palette.

  5. what a great color palate to work with, one of my favorite. I think I will have to give waste canvas a try.

  6. Wow you reakky have made a lot of progress on this months challenge. I'm still at the thinking stage, lol! Your piece really is beautiful.

  7. GOOD JOB! It really does look like a dainty lace trim!! Very pretty, it is.

  8. Your work is "lucious" as always... You have the greatest talent for bringing out all the aspirations and inspirations of every crazy quilter on the web!

  9. Your work is "lucious" as always... You have the greatest talent for bringing out all the aspirations and inspirations of every crazy quilter on the web!

  10. I'm just now getting into crazy quilting and have the Quilt Savvy book too. I'm going to have to try waste canvas.

  11. OH WOW!

    You're really coming along on this! It's really beautiful. I DO love the colors. The waste canvas was a great idea, too.

    Very Nice!!

  12. Hi I recently found your blog - I don't even recall how I got here - but I have spent the last couple days looking through your archives and you have absolutely inspired me!

    I have never before done crazy quilting but I gave it a shot last night and am now hooked for good I think! Thanks you!

    Check out my blog for pictures of my first attempt.

    You do beautiful work!

  13. Psst the post with pics is up now - sorry it took so long. Thx for stopping by!

  14. Oh, Allie, this is really something else. The more delicate stitching allows the center piece to shine. Beautiful.


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