
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

H Label Ready to Sew Down

Like most everyone else, I've been diverted from the sewing room with the Holidays upon me...I did get the false back basted on, so am ready to finish putting the label on the pretty back.

First I had to interface the jacquard silk I am using for the pretty back so it wouldn't be so wiggly, and also to prevent the ridges from the basting lines from showing through it once it is in place. In this picture I was just cutting out the interfacing....fusing it on on the ironing board took quite awhile, to get it on there with no bubbles, etc.

The elements are pinned into place, to be whipstitched down. Then I will add the final embroidery to tie it all together.

But no rush on all this...we've got college kids at home, which is such a treat!

Max's girlfriend, Esther, is with us for the week. They look very happy, don't they? Ah, to be 21.
One thing I like about this picture is the way the little portrait I did of Max pulling on a hat--when he was two--is there on the wall just above him. Something poignant about that!


  1. What a cute couple! For me though, I would not want to be 21 again - I'm just fine at 47! LOL!

  2. I read your blog for the first time. Your quilts are spectacular! Gayle

  3. The hat picture is sweet. It's also good to see the H quilt in the background.

  4. Great picture! Maybe you can sneak it into a frame for each of them for Christmas.

  5. Allie, Esther looks like you! At least in this picture.

    No, no, I would NOT want to be 21! But I sure enjoy my 20-something grandchildren. So enjoy having the college kids around.

  6. Very nice looking couple. You realize she looks a little like you? =)

  7. That's such a lovely portrait-I'm sure you'll treasure it. I'd love to be 21 again-if I knew then what I know now!

  8. Hi,
    Visiting for the first time.Just curious about one thing..there's a picture of Indian goddess of learning Saraswati in the background..



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