
Friday, December 14, 2007

Assembling the H Quilt , Underway

The final steps have to be done in a particular order this time around: the label partly embellished, then the quilt basted, then the label assembled on the fancy back, then it attached to the back of the quilt, then the binding, then the binding treatment...
So this is where things stand....

The quilt has been blocked square--by pinning it to the carpet with many measurings, and then blasting it all over with hot steam from an iron held about 4" above the surface. I let it "dry" for two days, then pin basted it with the drapery lining "batting" and the muslin false back. You can see the close basting is underway.
Also in the picture you can see my "Barbie TV", so called because I only allow girl movies and what I want to watch on it (I live in a house of guys). You can also see in the far corner that sweet, soft perch where my cat often sleeps. It is there just for her.

The components of the label will be appliqued onto the fancy back, and tied together by more overall embellishment. I do think H would laugh if he saw all the froo froo hearts and flowers I put around him! But too bad for him.....

Binding treatment supplies. I have such fun plans for these! It will be my dessert and reward for getting all the finishing done.
But there is the little matter of Christmas approaching, and my son and his girlfriend coming home tomorrow, and so work will have to slow for a day or two on finishing this quilt. My goal is now to be done by New Year's!


  1. This quilt has been so much fun to watch develop. It's such a treat that you share so many of the details. You have a beautiful studio - I'd never leave that view! I have the very same "Barbie TV" but mine is mostly reality show re-runs and music stations from the satellite feed.

  2. I think maybe H would understand your need for flowers, Allie! I'll bet your cat spends alot of time in the window... I sure would. Have a good time with the kids, your quilt will wait and so will we. ;0)

  3. Ah, Christmas is coming and the kids will be home soon. The trees are all bare through your window but you and the cat will be warm indoors. The sewing is so lovely and will be there through all that family joy. Have a perfect few days.

  4. por fin! I have been waiting all morning for this! I will save the pic of your studio and ask for one like it for Christmas - preferably on the bank of the river where my son is in north Florida! I will think of you finishing this quilt while I'm gone! Something to look forward to.

  5. Isn't that crawling around on the floor to measure the blocked quilt the pits? Do you have a secret tool? I use a metal tape measure. My husband was so upset that I used his (as though he uses it more than once every six months), that he bought me one for Christmas a couple of years ago. It's actually better than his. As Vicki says, I'd never leave your view. A view, a tv with chick flics, and a cat. What else could you want?

  6. I don't think he'd mind the hearts at all. He'd know how much you love him.

  7. Allie, I'm so looking forward to seeing this quilt completed. Your work amazes me and always has! Esp. your fearless use of color! I have always been in awe over that!

    I doubt H will mind the flowers. He knows you love flowers.

    Your sewing room is just wonderful. I sew in my living room but the day will come when I have a beautiful huge sewing room like yours! Although I do plan on putting my antique sewing machine in my Victorian style parlor!

  8. What a lovely view you have outside your studio. And seeing "H" on the table gives me a sense of its scale.

  9. I thank you so much for showing us how you create the structure for these crazy quilts. When I see the finished quilt I am sure I could never make anything like that, but when you show the detailed steps to getting there, it seems more possible.

  10. Really enjoyed the quick read of your blog. Love it when people have labels. I'll be back. Love your Crazy Patch.


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