
Friday, October 5, 2007

Woven Green Fan

The motif that runs through the "H" quilt is the fan. After determining that one of my patches was too large, I decided to create a fan within a corner of it. This was really fun to do--and I like how it enriches the overall design of the quilt--so I expect some more will show up...

The silk floss and 2mm ribbon is my warp....

Then more silk floss and metallic ribbon floss for the weft. The possibilities are endless...


  1. Cool idea... this one's a keeper!

  2. You quilts are so beautiful, I've never seen anything like them.

  3. It's good to see you working on this piece again. Such lovely work!

  4. Love those fans!! I'm glad you're using them again. Hmmmm I just got two packages of metallic ribbon in various greens from Kreinik. Might have to try that. Thanks for sharing - I do enjoy it so (looking at your beautiful work.)

  5. Way neat fan!

    I linked over from Pat's blog to tell you the book- The Lost Mother- is up for grabs again - this time on my blog. Check it out if you're still interested & if it's still available.

    Now to go look at more of your nice stitchery!

  6. Beautiful fan ! it is a piece of art in itself.

  7. What fun -- and what a great way to "fix" a too large block. I am in love with the progress on the "H".

  8. You create so many lovely gems within your art! I was thinking that this piece reminds me of an old Parcheesi board we had, then read that your recollection is of Chutes and Ladders!


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