
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Quilt Market Report 3: Dolls

Let's start with these three:
Rian Ammerman, Debra Spincic and yours truly, blogging pals extraordinaire, finally got to meet up in person for the first time ever on Sunday evening. We squealed like schoolgirls when we first saw each other and immediately fell into a big group hug! Our time together was too short....

But this post is really about the amazing dolls on display as part of the Houston Festival. I wasn't allowed to photograph the Hoffman Doll Challenge but I did pay my respects to Stephanie's beautiful entry.
I will admit something here: while there were some terrific quilts in competition and on exhibit, I didn't see anything new that knocked my socks off the way these dolls did. I am sorry I didn't write down the titles and artists...usually that is a blog no-no...but I wanted to bring you some of my favorites, so here they are.

I went mad for this amazing piece...

She's got a ship on her head! And those fish tails.....wondrous.

Be sure to click on the pictures so you can see the this cute or what?

I love her....

Sorry this is out of focus, but she's worth at least trying to see...

Just plain strange. I love how liberated the dollmakers were to plumb the depths of their matter where it took them.

These are not just dolls, they are stories....

This pose is especially innovative, I think...don't you?

What is she stirring up in that pot? Where were the dollmakers' minds while they were creating these incredible sculptures? In a land of fantasy, for sure...

What a vibrant community the dollmakers are! I am just so impressed.....
Tomorrow's post will be about I have to unpack!


  1. Thanks for all the inspiration. I have been thinking a lot about dolls recently, so this is fuel for the fire.

    What fun you all are having!

  2. Those dolls truly are incredibly imaginative--and the work involved is staggering too. Is there a doll in your future?
    The tote bag looks good, and anyone who dares to wear a belt on top of a sweater like that gets my admiration, and envy.

  3. Amazing art! Thanks for the pictures, and the link to Stephanie - neat stuff!

    Oh you must of had the best time ever! And you must be so full of inspiration and ready to create create create!!

    Great pic of you 3 bloggers too.
    :) Cat

  4. I so admire anyone who can make dolls like this as I find working in 3D difficult:) Thanks for posting the pics, you must be having so much fun there!!

  5. Dolls seem to be a big thing at the moment-there were plenty at the Festival of Quilts too.Will one feature in your blog before long. I wonder? Seems like you have so much inspiration you'll be working round the clock in a creative spree. Glad you had a good time.

  6. Wow, those are amazing! I always admire dollers. I will never be one - too intricate for my patience - but I love seeing them, and ask the same questions you do.

  7. Hello Allie, I agree those Art Dolls are soooo beautiful. I made my first Beaded CQ Spirit Doll this Spring and I can not stop making them. LOL Sooo these dolls were sooo inspirational for me to see. Thanks for taking sooo many pics of them. All of them are sooo very lovely. Hugs Judy from Western Michigan.


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