
Monday, October 8, 2007

Fan Blades...Solved!

For over a year I've been stumped over the best way to treat the large fan blades in my "H" quilt, so I was happy to find the teeny rickrack last week-end, as I knew I had finally found my solution. I wanted the seams covered, but not made busy...and admittedly, I didn't want to have to take a huge amount of time to accomplish that goal. The first of the four fans took two hours this morning. That is definitely doable....

I pretty much matched the colors of the rickrack to the fabrics of the fan blades.

Here's a detail. I had to tweak the color on some of the rickrack...I just used fabric markers which took about two seconds.

The red and gold fan of a few days just hadn't seemed complete to me...these plated copper leaves finished the job.
Originally I had thought this quilt would stay more traditional: I would not use much 3D embellishment, just relying on stitching work, as in the olden days of Victorian crazy quilting.
Guess again!


  1. I love the effect of the rick rack on the fans. The leaves are a nice addition.

  2. That itty bitty rick rack is perfect on the large fans! Such a good find!

  3. But your style is too exuberant for traditional - it won't sit still for that (thank heaven)!!!! I knew you could pull it off - but in the beginning, I wondered how. As with your others, it is a joy to watch it evolve.

  4. Those gold leaves really make that fan special. What a brilliant pairing.

  5. Wow, this is gorgeous! Great idea on the rick rack and the color matching.

  6. The rickrack are definitively a good idea!

  7. That mini rick rack is great and I love the beads and bits you've been adding. If you like it and it makes you happy -- go for it!

  8. The Ric Rac is PERFECT - but I love ric rac on everything. I really like all of the fan shapes that you are creating and the leaves are a nice finishing touch to this one. I just can't imagine where you get all of your great ideas - I'd like to just take a peek into your head.

  9. I also like the way the rickrack matches the fabric color, a subtle touch. But you're not going to leave those blades solid, are you? :)

  10. A YEAR! Just how long does it take to complete a project like this?

    Is this a quilt for someone special? What will you do with it once it's complete? Are you working on other projects as well? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just curious.

    I could not imagine working on something for so long. I started a painted floor cloth 5 years ago, but it had to be put on hold to have babies and move to a new city, but I long to pull it out and start again.

  11. All the embellishments look beautiful. I've been working on my first Crazy Quilt project - a doll quilt - and have loved looking at your photos.

  12. Serendipity! Finding that tiny rick rack just when you needed it. Wow! It looks great on the fans. Marvelous.


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