
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Quilt of Valor #2 Underway

Well, the fabrics are pulled anyways. I do still have a cotton "sane" quilt stash, currently heavy on the repros. But some old favorites from my landscape days and a few contemporaries are in this quilt's mix, too.

These Quilts of Valor are all headed for wounded soldiers upon their return to the United States. My first one was for a gal soldier; this one will be for a guy.

Whenever I see a picture of a sane quilt I might like to make, I tear it out of the catalog or magazine I'm paging through. This one is from the Sundance catalog, which I don't know why I get because really, it is all just too hip, pretentious, and p.c. for my taste. There is some cool stuff in there, though, I admit. (Though wildly overpriced, and for models who weigh 100 pounds or less....Its quilts are all imported, too, which makes me wonder about sweat shops. But I digress....)
Ever since I started crazy quilting I cannot bring myself to do any kind of sane quilt but the one-patch kind. This one from Sundance suits my purposes exactly. No seams or corners to match, either!

That large floral is actually going to be the backing fabric. It is from Kaye England back when she was doing those luscious floral border prints. This one is a strange color which is why it has lasted intact in my stash for so long. But it will be perfect here....I knew I'd use it someday!
Tomorrow morning will be spent rotary cutter in hand.....the afternoon is, of course, for pears.


  1. This simple design is very elegant, and it looks like it'll be fun to make.

  2. I like that kind of sane quilt, too. Easy with lots of color and different fabrics, etc. And the pears.... yummers! I used to make a cinnamon pear jelly that was divine... I think I need to find that recipe, somebody must have pears on sale around here!

  3. I agree Allie, I hate piecing the sane kinds of quilts. I'd fall asleep sewing if I had to do more than one block the same. I love the look, but I don't have the drive to do that kind of piecing.
    I do like what you're planning there though, I could probably make myself do something like that. & it's such a nice homey look.

    Thanks for the compliment on the dress. Maybe you'll end up making one too, some day!

  4. This will be a grand quilt. Every now and then it's fun to just be simple and get into the fun without all the piecing.

  5. You'll get to do what Jane Ann just called mindless sewing of strips. I think it's fun, in its way, a real "flow" activity, with lots of opportunity to listen to music, the radio or even watch a movie. Enjoy!

  6. I love the looks of that strip quilt. Both of your bags are great!

  7. That's going to be a really cool quilt. I love the term "sane" quilting!


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