
Monday, September 3, 2007

Autumn Tote, Finished!

After driving to Seattle.... help my son move (with his girlfriend's assistance).....

...and picking pears (the first of many bagfuls)....

...and helping Robert prepare the corn for freezing....

....and going into Portland last night to see Crowded House, those smashing gents from New Zealand....

Here they are playing my absolute favorite Crowded House song, "Pineapple Head". They also did "Distant Sun", "Weather With You", and of course, "Don't Dream it's Over"....I've had a thing for Neil Finn for years.....

Well after and amidst all these shenanigans.....I finally got to finish my tote!

My favorite part of this project was playing with all the crazy fibers that went on as the fringe. The weaver's scraps and thrums that I had to select from was a treasure trove of so many neat and strange yarns. Towards the end I felt compelled to dip into my silk ribbon and variegated chenille stashes as well...

A veritable rat's nest here. But as I added the fibers one by one I felt like I was working on a painting..that was a new experience for just was so absorbing.

Fringy fun! Color, texture, and value were my usual playmates.

Fringy excess.....but not enough to cover the sequins, who after all started this whole thing.

The finishing of the tote was a hoot too. For the hardware I ended up canabalizing an old Gucci bag that a friend had handed down to me, which I had named "The Barn" . The leather was completely shot, so I didn't feel too badly about doing in The Barn.

It is kind of ugly, isn't it? From the '60's, I think.

Gucci hardware on my tote, how cool is that?

And here it is, finished.
I am the drabbest dresser I know, so it is hard to imagine my actually using this. But believe it or not, I had my upcoming trip to Houston in mind when creating this tote. I'll be attending Quilt Market at the end of October, under the auspices of CQMagOnline (as a credentialed member of the Press, no less), and I know I will need a large tote for samples, notes, even my laptop would fit in here...

So what's next?...going to do a quick tote for my son's girlfriend and then another quilt for the Quilts of Valor project. It is such a good cause, and even this crazy fringy quilter can do a sane cotton bed quilt once in awhile.
And as I work I'll be happily humming from "Pineapple Head"......

And if you choose
to take that path

I will play you like a shark
and I'll clutch at your heart
I'll come flying like a spark
to enflame you...


  1. Lots of building going on in Seattle... your son is cute and so is his girlfriend! That corn is going to taste sooooo good this winter... we used to freeze corn but haven't in years.

    I love the tote... all that multi-colored fringe just really makes it all come together. The Gucci handles are inspired!

    Also, congrats on Robert retiring... you mentioned it awhile ago and I didn't comment on it then... so I am now! ;0)

  2. I have a Neil Finn thing going too! And I always take the weather with me. : > )
    We're taking our son-also an engineering student- back to Uni next Sunday, so more space in our house.
    The finished tote is magnificent, especially with those lovely fringes to set off the Gucci handles.It's positively inspired and will look great amongst the press corps.
    Good to see the harvest coming home too. And maybe some bramble jelly?

  3. Absolutely gorgeous, Allie! The corn looks good, too...=-)

  4. The tote is sensational! I love the way my eyes follow the different bands of color and then gets a surprise with all of the fringy texture. Wear it with pride!

  5. WOW, the tote is fabulous Allie.
    I quite like Pineapple head too. I hand't heard it until I bought an album of Crowded House covers.

    You know, NZ is quite a small place, and if you sent me the tote, I could probably make sure it got to Neils second cousins uncles brothers wifes sister.....might give you an in....I'd look after it real good until I tracked down a relative. (honest)

  6. Nice to see the handles recycled!

    Everyone will be pawing after your tote at Quilt Market! Can't wait to see you!

  7. I covet that tote - I may have to go to Houston after all to see it "live." Save that picture of the son and the GF for an update 26 years from now. Yummy pears - going to make prserves? Chutney?

  8. Great looking bag. I like the way you recycled the hardware.

  9. The tote is gorgeous! You can't be too drab a dresser with accessories like that. While I'm here I have a CQ question. I just pieced a CQ but did not sew it to a backing. Does it need to be quilted in the ditch before embellishing or will the embellishing hold the backing sufficiently? Thanks for your help.

  10. The tote is gorgeous! You can't be too drab a dresser with accessories like that. While I'm here I have a CQ question. I just pieced a CQ but did not sew it to a backing. Does it need to be quilted in the ditch before embellishing or will the embellishing hold the backing sufficiently? Thanks for your help.

  11. You have been busy! We didn't do up quite as much corn as you - much less freezer space, I'm sure! But we did do 12 ears, which gave us 6 bags to suck the air out of and freeze.

    What a great bag that turned into! I love the Gucci handles. =) Dump lots of fun things in it when you're in Houston!

  12. Oh, that fringe, that fringe! The tote is totally tubular awesome, my dear, you are gonna wow those folks at Market!

  13. I could never have imagined how this tote turned out. Positively inspired. I love it!

    I have a grandson at the University of Washington, Seattle. My son, his wife, and ex-wife live on Vashon.

  14. Gorgeous--tres chic! The handles make it more than funky and arty and take it to a real fashion level. You BETTER use it! Think of all the people who covet it.

  15. That bag is soooo fantastic!!! You'll be a hit with it at quilt market!!! Wooo Hoooo.


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