
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Autumn Planting

I took time out from sewing to give the little bed by the front door a make-over today! Out came all the leggy, gone-to-seed, and mildewed plants of summer--the ones the deer hadn't munched--and in went some fine cool weather plants to tide us over with some color until the holidays.
Ornamental kale has always been a favorite of mine....and at the nursery the poor little ornamental chard plants were headed for the dumpheap...they had been in their little 2" pots since April 6th. I figured they deserved a shot at the good life in well composted soil before the year is over. (I wonder how well they will do?) Their stems are just so cool. Mums of course had to be included. An instant garden!
A few plants are left from the summer.

It is hard enough to get people to eat kale and chard. Surely the deer won't like them either?


  1. Mmm....chard. It's great in soups and beautiful in the garden. Even better, it's the one fall crop the little bugs haven't been munching on in my garden.

  2. Hey, I LIKE kale! (No one else in the family does, of course.)

  3. Kales are a great idea. I too am in the processing of cleaning up the garden, and they would be a nice touch of colors in the little patch in front of the house.
    I love mums, althoug in France they are meant for graves.

  4. Lovely -- reminds me I need to pull out some dying plants (combo of forgetting to water and some early frosty conditions) and put in something fallish. Hmmm...

  5. Your refurbished flower bed looks great; I hope the deer leave them along. After our scorching hot weather (it's over 90 today)and hordes of grasshoppers my beds are looking pitiful. I'm keeping an eye on the plants the hoppers don't eat, like Gailardia, for next year. Even tho we are told to plant marigolds to keep the bugs at bay, the hoppers eat my marigolds, which breaks my heart because I love them and if not eaten they make a great display until frost.

  6. A day spent digging in the dirt is always a good day! It's almost cool enough here to start gardening... woohoo!

  7. Such a prety little garden. Love your new mugshot!

  8. It looks lovely - wonderful soft colors in the garden. So different from the brights of summer. I don't know if you have any hope with the deer, though. =)


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