
Saturday, August 4, 2007

Stamp Camp!

My dear friend--and the mother of my son's best friend--is named Tammy, and Tammy is a stamper. She loves all things paper, which of course is a different medium than the one I work in. Tammy has scrapbooked for many years, even making all the boys in her cubscout troop individual scrapbooks that document their early years in scouting. Such treasures they are!

Now she is more seriously into exploring the realm of card-making and papercraft in general. To support her habit she sells products by the company Stampin' Up. One of the ways she does this is to host a "Stamp Camp" every month, where people pay a nominal fee to come make the cards she has designed using the Stampin' Up products (and you would not believe the products, every little gizmo, tool, supply, paper stock, ink, ribbon, stamp, etc.). While there of course we campers are free to buy the products, too....but for our use at camp, she has all the materials laid out at different stations, one station per card, with written directions, the sample card, everything one would need to create that card for oneself (variations are encouraged, too.)

I find this to be highly enjoyable. It is like talking in a foreign language without having to really learn it. (I don't speak paper.) I love not having to think about design for a change; using the specific paper tools, like corner trimmers or circle cutter-outers, is really a kick (the folks at Stampin Up think of EVERYTHING); the finished cards are great and useful; and Tammy takes such good care of us while we work, with music, snacks, lots of how-to tips and many smiles.
So here are a few shots from last night's Stamp Camp....

Tammy is getting us started. We are in the Camas Community Center, so there are lots of old group photos on the wall.

Here is a "station". You can see that Tammy has pre-cut all the different sizes of paper we need for the card; the supplies are all in the basket; the directions are written out plainly for us to follow. She wants this to be fun and easy for us, and it is.

I am almost done with one of my cards here. That tool in the lower right is called "wordmaker". I have stamped "merci" and that little tool will punch it out in the exact shape it needs to be to add it to the card. There is also a 1/16" hole punch for the little brads that go on either side of "merci", and glue dots for affixing it to the card...all these little tools and supplies are extremely satisfying to use. Don't ask me why, but they are!!!

With all our talking and working Tammy knows we get she is handing out water bottles, and yes, writing our initials on the caps so we can keep track of them! (This proved quite helpful to me later in the evening.)

You can see here, we are all happy and busy. Tammy believes that women need to get together and have fun being creative....Stamp Camp is her own private ministry, and we love her for it.

Tammy my dear, we thank YOU!


  1. Stamping can easily overlap into quilting! I have a whole cabinet of supplies. Sometimes when I need a little inspiration I pull out my Stampington magazines and have a look. They are filled with wonderful examples that goose the creative juices.

    Looks like a fun night!

    Beware--stamping is addictive and can be more than a little expensive. I often find stamping supplies that work for embellishing & that is very cool!

  2. Allie, I love stamping! I will have to visit you around Stamp Camp time! LOL! This looks like absolutely the most fun. I have a best friend who does scrapping with me, and we always have a ball on those stay-til-midnight crop nights. I probably gave away more than most people ever buy when we retired. But I kept my favorite stamps for the day I'd have enough room to make cards again. =) That word thing, though . . . I might have to check into that. =)

  3. Allie, this looks like lots of fun! I have just begun to get into stamps, and paper and also like to bring fabric into the mix. Great cards--and is that Chocolate I see! What more could you ask for!

  4. Allie, What a fun evening it looks like you all had. I wish I knew of something like this near me! I own a lot of stamps but they are all in storage currently. My youngest daughter is into making her own cards and I'l going to send her a link to your post!

  5. Stamping IS a lot of fun. So immediate. I have a drawer full of text stamps and alphabet stamps of all sorts which I love. They are coming in handy with the g-baby. Gotta get the washable stamp pads though!

    I'm glad you had such fun.

  6. I Love your blog. I read it every Sunday morning. It is one of my top two favorites. Your work is so unique and different. I love your flower creations. I really think you should try and find a commercial fabric company to print your flower fabrics for retail. You should be a fabric designer. You are really an inspiration for me.

    Kerri Murphy

  7. It looks like you had a great time! I've got a few stamps but I haven't done anything with them in years. Maybe I should see what I actually have... it would be fun to play with on fabric!

  8. Looks like a lot of fun! And so does Tammy..

  9. Looks like y'all had a blast. I use a lot of stamps when doing embroidered there really is spill over. The thank-you card is lovely!

  10. This is really sad, but the first thing I noticed in the photos were the hershey's bar of chocky on the table! LOL Oh we don't get that chocolate here in Aussie and it is so deliciously yummy. Looks like a fun time was had by all and your cards are beautiful!


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