
Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Landscape Commission Underway

It has been awhile since I made a little landscape. (There have been tons of them in the past.) If you want to see some of them, look here, especially as the ones in the link are various takes over the years on Lake Michigan, the subject of my current project.

Except this one is going to be a little different....I am using a silk print of part of a painting my Uncle Hall did of Michillinda, where the old family cottage is, back in 1982. I am also adding a photo transfer of the sky and water, plus the usual collage of hand-dyed fabrics. So getting these three different "elements", or styles, to integrate and read well is the challenge.

Here is H's painting. He captured this place like no one else ever could!

Of course, the sky and lake go on first, as they are the farthest in the background. I've got the cottages on here just to see how they fit....That top band of sky is by Mickey Lawler of SkyDyes. These are fused down with Mistyfuse, which I like because it is so lightweight; it will be easy to embroider through later. Skies must be flat and horizons must be straight, always, always, always.

First I had to reprint the cottages to make them I'm just starting to pick out my fabrics here....but you can start to see where this is is picky work at the beginning, but it becomes super fun about halfway through, when the hand-embroidery comes into play. Lots of little grasses.....


  1. Cool... I'll be watching this for pointers as it develops, Allie. When you said a landscape commission, at first I thought you were doing an actual garden (planted in the ground, y'know) for somebody! ;0)

  2. What a magnificent project! I'm looking forward to the grasses!

  3. I never heard of Misty fuse. I will have to try some this winter.

    I love the way the project looks at the bottom. The painting is wonderful, and I can see why you chose to use the houses by the beach. Just lovely landscape!

  4. This looks so full of the memories of summers enjoyed. I have never tried anything along these lines, so I am watching with great interest as it develops.

  5. This is gonna be amazing! It's amazing already! I am tickled to watch this piece come together. It must make you feel a special joy to work with a piece of H's painting.

  6. Alie, I feel like I am there. I can imagine this piece already! How fun!!!

  7. Yes, you will certainly do justice to H's painting and the beautiful environment. Lots of love for it.


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