
Saturday, July 28, 2007

Garden Tour 7.28.07

I wish I was a better photographer so I could capture how vivid the flowers are all around the place...I've tried all different times of day, too....and though I'm not satisfied with these pics, they do still take you on a tour of sorts! You'll get the idea. ;-)

The front border...and yes, the paper wasp nest is still there!
It is very misty this morning so the light is flat...but you can still see the comically tall nicotianas, and those pink spire-type things are hyssop, which attracts the hummingbirds right outside the window.

The perennial garden yesterday afternoon....that big tree in front of our house is a pink flowering dogwood. It was 5 feet tall when we moved here 16 years ago!

Here is Robert watering his new carrot bed. This view shows not quite half of the big garden. You can tell we're on a hill...the Washougal River Valley is below us.

Well, you can't garden all the time!

Here are three of my five "production flower" beds. The tall one in the rear is just a wildflower mix; zinnias are in the center and godetias along the front. That sunflower is a volunteer right in the middle of the path, but who can pull up a sunflower?

I adore the godetias! (I think they are also called "clarkia".)

My poor overcrowded zinnias, with those asters struggling to catch a breath of sunshine! I really need to thin these plants, but can't bring myself to do it.

Well, it is off to the Vancouver Farmer's Market....we have to get some ideas for next year's garden!


  1. Beautiful, beautiful gardens. Those flower are lucious, I would be cutting them and having fresh flowers in the house left and right!

  2. Allie, your gardens are beautiful, I am green with envy.
    I was given a tip on taking pictures in sunlight, set your camera for cloudy days, it warms up the colors in the picture.

  3. What a little paradise you have created... soooo lush and inviting! I see lots of harvesting and subsequent floral fabric in your future. Along with some truly awesome homegrown meals, of course!

  4. Wow. Can I come to your house and sit in that Adirondack chair sometime?

  5. After charging about the UK all weekend I was so soothed by the walk around your beautiful garden. I absolutely adore Godetia and haven't seen any this fine for a long long time. Hope you took pics in Vancouver and can share your plans...I just love your garden.

  6. Wow! I could understand if you never wanted to leave home - beautiful!

  7. Wow, your climate sure makes for different looking gardens this time of the year! When it is so hot, I get mainly the coarser yellow and orange flowers. And of course the sunflowers that replant themselves each year. Love your picking garden beds. I wonder if Godetia would grown in hot, dry climate. Haven't heard of it and it's gorgeous. You have lots of material for photos.

  8. Lovely gardens! From one passionate crazy quilter and gardener to another - well done! Obviously a sanctuary.


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